Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Proposal: [Appendix] If you miss a step, the action still happens

Unpopular, 3-5, with an adjusted quorum of 5 based on three Recusant votes. Josh

Adminned at 27 Mar 2025 10:15:33 UTC

Change the Appendix rule “Representations of the Gamestate” to read as follows:

Actions specified by the rules are generally performed by updating the gamestate trackers (such as the wiki) to reflect the results of the action, unless the ruleset specifies a different way to perform them. Performing a tracker update that is clearly intended to be an attempt to take a particular action is considered to be an attempt to perform that action, even if the resulting tracker state is incorrect (perhaps because its state was incorrect before the action was performed). The legality of an action is based on the actual gamestate, not on the tracker (thus, attempting to perform an action succeeds if and only if that action is legal in the actual gamestate). One tracker update may contain one or more alterations, or one alteration may be split over multiple updates, as long as it is clear which actions are being performed.

Performing a legal action updates the gamestate to the state that it would be in after that action is correctly performed in full, even if the Seeker performing the action mistakenly updated the tracker partially or incorrectly – the tracker merely represents the Gamestate tracked there, and is not the same thing. If the state of the tracker ever does not match the gamestate, any Seeker can change the tracker to match the gamestate; this includes reverting the effect on the tracker of an attempted action that failed to change the gamestate due to being illegal, and completing an incomplete action on behalf of the Seeker who performed it (as long as doing so would not require the correcting Seeker to make any decisions on behalf of the original Seeker).

If two or more Seekers disagree about what the correct gamestate is, they are encouraged to try to come to an agreement through discussion rather than repeatedly reverting a tracking page. If the disagreement persists, Seekers are encouraged to use a Call for Judgement to set the disputed portion of the gamestate unambiguously.

The historical fact of the occurrence of a defined game action is itself considered to be gamestate, tracked in the history of whatever resource is used to track the gamestate modified by that action (where possible) or in the wiki page [[Gamestate Modifications]] (if tracking it in the history is not possible).

The primary purpose of this proposal is to resolve an issue we had three dynasties ago – our consensus at the time was that an attempt to perform an action does in fact perform that action even if the tracker is updated incorrectly (either because some steps in the action were accidentally omitted, or because the tracker was wrong beforehand and thus the action updates an incorrect value to another incorrect value), and this proposal updates the Appendix to reflect that consensus. A side effect of this is that if an action is partially performed, the player correcting the tracker no longer has a choice about whether to revert or complete the action – if the action was illegal, you revert the tracker update, if it was legal, you complete it – but this change is beneficial anyway because other actions may have been performed based on the partially completed action (which under the current rules could be retroactively invalidated by choosing to roll the partially completed action back rather than forwards).

The other substantive change made here is to encourage discussion rather than an immediate Call for Judgement when the legality of an action is disputed (this isn’t a change in what’s possible in the rules, but rather a change in what the rules advise). I’ve been experimenting with doing that over this dynasty and the previous dynasty, and it’s generally been very good both in terms of reducing acrimony and in terms of reaching a correct/consensus gamestate (the issue with CFJs is that if they’re the first step after a disputed revert rather than the last, they often end up making the wrong change, either because there was a second mistake in the gamestate that wasn’t immediately noticed, or because CFJs created unilaterally in a hurry often contain wording mistakes and the edit window isn’t always enough to fix them; having some discussion first is usually enough to produce a better CFJ).

I also reworded the rule to be clearer and to avoid duplication (some parts of the rule were previously written twice with different wording), in addition to more clearly stating “if an action changes tracked variables, by default you perform it by updating the tracker” (which has been a core gameplay principle of BlogNomic for ages, but the rules didn’t spell it out very clearly and new players kept missing it).


SingularByte: he/him

25-03-2025 19:14:25 UTC

I like this in principle, but I feel there’s a bit of a disconnect between the first and second paragraph.

The first paragraph talks about how changing the representation of the gamestate is an “attempt to perform that action”, but the second paragraph talks about “performing a legal action”. The problem is that “legal action” isn’t defined and the first paragraph doesn’t actually do anything to validate that the attempted action is in fact legal.

I think we need a section which actually confirms it. We need to say that if an action is performed on incorrect gamestate, and would have been legal to perform with the same choices were the gamestate correct, then the action is legal and the gamestate becomes what it would have been if the action was performed on the true gamestate.

ais523: Custodian

25-03-2025 19:26:31 UTC

I consider that to be a principle of Nomic generally, but you’re right that it should probably be expressed explicitly in the rules. I’ll think for a bit about the right way to word it.

ais523: Custodian

25-03-2025 20:31:50 UTC

And I’ve edited the proposal to take your feedback into account (the second-last sentence of the first paragraph is new).

Zack: he/him

25-03-2025 22:14:23 UTC

I haven’t been watching the past few rounds, but I prefer the current version of the rule. IMO updating representations of gamestate should be auxiliary to performing an action, not tantamount to performing the action itself. Like, in my mind I don’t perform an action by updating the wiki page, I update the wiki page to communicate that I’ve performed an action. I also think defining how certain actions are performed, and what a legal action is might be a bit out of scope for this rule.

Josh: he/they

25-03-2025 22:35:12 UTC

I don’t think I can support this as written. On its face it’s just too long, rambling away at an edge case, kicking the wordcount of the rule up by 33% in an attempt to legislate away an ambiguity that BlogNomic as a whole seems to be largely uninterested in. But there’s a couple of specific quibbles that I’m going to take issue with along the way.

“Performing a tracker update that is clearly intended to be an attempt to take a particular action” is a tricky one, as clarity is in the eye of the beholder, but in particular where an action requires what this text deems as ‘tracker updates’ in multiple locations. For example, in the current ruleset, placing a bid on an Opportunity is tracked as a comment on that Opportunity, but the amount of Wealth a player has is tracked in the wiki, so performing this action requires two separate gamestate updates that cannot be concatenated into one. How does that interact with “attempting to perform an action succeeds if and only if that action is legal in the actual gamestate”? A later sentence allows for actions to be performed over multiple edits but it is still the case that the game exists in an illegal state under this proposal, even if only for a short period of time, and it is not clear how those tensions are prioritised. Does the evaluation of legality change if the time elapsed between the first edit and the second is over a minute? Over twenty minutes? Over an hour? It shouldn’t change but under the proposed text it would have to for the game to remain playable.

In a broader game culture sense this also just moves the game in the direction of the overly punctilious. If you accept at face value the proposition that any declarative move to take an action automagically updates the platonic gamestate and that the game board and all the counters are just a metaphorical contrivance - the stalks through which the I Ching are divined - then it opens the door to, and I can think of no kind way of putting this, a lot of silly bullshit that repeated evidence suggests that no-one has any time for, in a way that contradicts the way that the rest of the ruleset is written. This is evident in a single substantial contradiction: this text says “the tracker merely represents the Gamestate tracked there, and is not the same thing”, but the Appendix defines gamestate as “any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of”. This is most important for the ruleset itself, which is gamestate under the glossary definition but under the text of this proposal is some sort of phantom reflection of a mythical ideal idea of rules that exists somewhere in magic space.

This may be how things woork in other nomics but I find it to be wholly unsuited to the way that BlogNomic’s ruleset functions.


Zack: he/him

25-03-2025 22:40:08 UTC

against For the reasons I said earlier.

ais523: Custodian

25-03-2025 22:42:16 UTC

@Zack: That would be a big change in how BlogNomic has always operated (or at least since I started playing many years go). At present, for actions that don’t have any specific way to perform them stated in the ruleset, the actions are performed by directly updating the tracker – there isn’t a separate step of specifying that you’re performing the action. However, a) that isn’t clearly stated in the current rules (it’s sort-of stated in the current version of “Representations of the Gamestate” but not in an obvious way), and b) it has lead to lots of inclarity about the details, both with respect to the exact timing of an action and with respect to how actions are performed in cases where the tracker is wrong.

Many nomics instead take actions by posting a message stating that you’re taking them in some specific location. BlogNomic operates like that some dynasties (e.g. in my coregency with Josh, actions were generally taken via making a Dice Roller comment) and for some actions where the tracker updates would be awkward for many players to do (e.g. non-admins idling themselves, which is done via blog post or comment). Having it operate like that by default would be a major change, though, and one that I don’t think there’s any particular desire to see – so this change instead tries to make the current method work correctly in more cases.

In any case, the current version of the rules is already considered by the active playerbase to work in the “perform an action by changing the tracker” style, and this proposal doesn’t change that; it just tries to make sure that more cases are defined correctly.

ais523: Custodian

25-03-2025 22:55:45 UTC

(My reply to @Zack above was to a few comments above, in the post which didn’t contain the voting icon.)

@Josh “‘tracker updates’ in multiple locations”:
I think this proposal correctly handles the “update Wealth and Bid trackers in two different places”, whereas the current rules don’t – it’s designed to ensure that partially completing the action is still taking the action (as the title suggests), and (as in the current rules) anyone can complete the partially complete action by updating the other tracker.

@Josh “This is most important for the ruleset itself, which is gamestate under the glossary definition but under the text of this proposal is some sort of phantom reflection of a mythical ideal idea of rules that exists somewhere in magic space.”:

I think the ruleset already works in the “ideal idea of the rules” way, rather than necessarily matching the ruleset tracker. This is needed for, e.g, proposals to work correctly if the admin skips a step in adminning them. For example, suppose an admin enacts a proposal but fails to make all the changes to the ruleset that have been suggested. Under the “the tracker represents the ruleset” but they are different point of view, the proposal changed the ruleset but the admin just forgot to update the tracker, so anyone can update the tracker and we’re fine – additionally, future proposals can also be enacted (and use the correct version of the ruleset when doing so).

Under your point of view, if the admin doesn’t update the ruleset page then the adminning of the proposal is an ongoing action and remains ongoing for some time, and that in turn means that the proposal is still pending (because it has not been “resolved” according to the definition in the glossary). That in turn means that any future proposals can’t be resolved. This seems to just make the game worse for no benefit?

(Note that your point of view only functions at all if you consider illegal edits to the ruleset page to have no effect on the actual ruleset – otherwise anyone could illegally edit the ruleset page in a way that retroactively makes their own edit legal, even a non-player. As such, your point of view doesn’t do anything in terms of making the ruleset page necessarily a reflection of the actual ruleset – as it may contain edits that were ignored by the game – but it’s harder to reason about.)

ais523: Custodian

25-03-2025 22:59:03 UTC

(I just noticed the special case “If otherwise legally applied, the application of any status through the blog post editing form is sufficient to consider that votable matter to have been correctly resolved” – I assume that’s intended to work around the “a proposal was half-enacted and now the queue is blocked” scenario that would otherwise not work under Josh’s point of view, although I’m not convinced that it actually works. It may in fact make it impossible to resolve proposals and CFJs in the usual order; as soon as the proposal is marked as enacted it is considered to have been correctly resolved, so editing the ruleset after that point is illegal because the proposal was resolved already. Again, this is an example of a problem that exists in the current ruleset but would be fixed by this proposal, which considers the changes to all happen simultaneously as soon as the admin attempts to perform the “resolve a proposal” action.)

Raven1207: he/they

25-03-2025 23:05:12 UTC


Zack: he/him

25-03-2025 23:52:27 UTC

“for actions that don’t have any specific way to perform them stated in the ruleset, the actions are performed by directly updating the tracker… However, that isn’t clearly stated in the current rules…” I disagree that this is unclear. I actually think the current Representations of Gamestates puts it elegantly:

> changes to gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as a wiki page) do not take effect until the representation of that gamestate has been updated to match the authorised change

> the historical fact of the occurrence of a defined game action is itself considered to be gamestate, tracked in the history of whatever resource is used to track the gamestate modified by that action

Coupled with this core rule:

> The gamestate tracking page for this dynasty is the Life Goal Progress page of the wiki. Unless otherwise stated, all publicly tracked gamestate information is tracked on it.

I can see how it might be a little confusing at first glance, but it basically boils down to: If a tree falls in the forest and it isn’t tracked on the wiki, it didn’t actually fall. If it is, then it fell when the wiki was updated to say it had fallen.

ais523: Custodian

26-03-2025 00:27:58 UTC

@Zack: Your viewpoint implies that you can take actions without actually doing anything visible to other players, and they have a delayed effect later on, when the tracker is updated.

This messes with things like weekly actions (e.g. I can take an action late on Sunday, then update the tracker on Monday, and the action counts against the previous week).

More importantly, it also implies that a tracker update has to be fully correct for the action to occur. That generally makes it impossible to perform an action while the tracker is wrong (because the new state of the tracker is also wrong, as it was presumably based on the old state) – this proposal is intended to try to make that case work. I also don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t apply to proposals or CFJs – if a proposal “increase each player’s Wealth by 10” passes, and anyone’s Wealth is wrong on the tracker (or perhaps even if any tracked variable is wrong on the tracker), the proposal enactment would be considered to not have changed the gamestate. This would be a particular problem for CFJs as it would mean that they wouldn’t typically be able to fix gamestate issues, which is one of the things they’re most frequently used for.

Zack: he/him

26-03-2025 01:20:04 UTC

> The historical fact of the occurrence of a defined game action is itself considered to be gamestate, tracked in the history of whatever resource is used to track the gamestate modified by that action, where possible, or in the wiki page Gamestate Modifications if this is not possible.

You can’t take actions after the fact because the historical fact that an action occurred is regulated by the ruleset and must be tracked where the ruleset says it must be tracked. So if you didn’t track it the changes to gamestate that occurred as a result of the action you took when you took it, then you didn’t take any action.

Zack: he/him

26-03-2025 01:20:51 UTC

If you didn’t track the changes to the gamestate that occurred as a result of the action you took when you took it, then you didn’t take any action.*

SingularByte: he/him

26-03-2025 13:05:33 UTC

So whatever the feelings are on this wording, I do think the current rule does need an update from reading through it. If a change is made on top of a previously made incorrect change, then the gamestate can’t be said to be “updated to match the authorised change”, so the action will never have happened.

I’m voting for  for now, but I’m definitely willing to consider other wordings that resolve that issue.

Kevan: he/him

26-03-2025 13:48:10 UTC

against Dropping in a precautionary idle-AGAINST just to counterbalance Raven1207’s currently tiebreaking DEF-FOR.

ais523: Custodian

26-03-2025 15:26:54 UTC

@Kevan: thanks for that – I was trying to figure out if I could counterbalance it on my own by voting DEF, but having an idle player do it is much simpler.

JonathanDark: he/him

26-03-2025 15:28:11 UTC

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought, and I think I have to agree with both Josh and Kevan on this.  against

Darknight: he/him

26-03-2025 15:59:25 UTC
