Monday, December 30, 2024

Proposal: [Appendix] Mistakes shouldn’t have permanent effects

Timed out, 3-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Jan 2025 19:17:45 UTC

In the Appendix rule Atomic Actions, change

When a Snail performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they may not take any other dynastic action, or achieve victory, until all the steps are complete.


When a Snail performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they may not take any other dynastic action, or achieve victory, until all the steps are complete or 72 hours have passed.

If any Snail or Idle Snail is currently unable to achieve victory and/or unable to perform dynastic actions due to performing an Atomic Action incorrectly more than 72 hours in the past, end any restriction that prevents that Snail or Idle Snail achieving victory and/or performing dynastic actions that may have been produced as a consequence.

At present, if you do an Atomic Action incorrectly, and nobody notices, that prevents you from ever again performing a dynastic action or achieving victory. (Although a successful DoV might end the restriction due to upholding the actions that happened previously in the dynasty, causing the action to not be considered to have been performed incorrectly, it would still be possible for a dynasty to be ruined due to a mistaken atomic action early on, and/or in a previous dynasty that ended in a way other than a DoV.)

The 72-hour limit is intended to give time to pass a CFJ if someone is intentionally trying to scam the Atomic Actions rule by performing an atomic action correctly, or performing only half of it, whilst reducing the amount of disruption that happens if someone does so unintentionally.


JonathanDark: he/him

30-12-2024 17:21:49 UTC

I’m not quite understanding this. Can you explain why someone who did the Atomic Action incorrectly or incompletely couldn’t just post a CfJ to resolve the issue of “that prevents you from ever again performing a dynastic action or achieving victory”.

The 72-hour timer doesn’t seem to do anything but allow someone to “get away” with doing the Atomic Action incorrectly and hope nobody notices.

ais523: Custodian

30-12-2024 17:59:33 UTC

It’s to automatically resolve cases in which someone performs an Atomic Action incorrectly but either a) nobody notices, or b) somebody notices but decides to keep the information secret for a late-reveal scam (i.e. “what happened during the dynasty isn’t what everyone else thought actually happened”). It does so by putting a time limit on the consequences, meaning that a mistake will only affect a few actions, rather than everything that happens until the next successful DoV.

Although the situation would be recoverable with a fix CFJ, players need to realise that something has gone wrong in order to make the CFJ in the first place.

Under the current rules, a player can mess up an atomic action early in a dynasty, then attempt to perform further actions which everyone else assumes are valid, but later on in the dynasty it’s possible to notice that the original atomic action was wrong, and thus everything that player has done up to that point didn’t actually happen, which could lead the gamestate quite different from how it was.

(There’s another core rule which exists for the same purpose: “If a Proposal somehow ends up being pending for more than 7 days, it is ignored for the purpose of calculating the oldest pending Proposal, and can be failed by any Admin.” That’s to prevent the queue becoming permanently blocked if a proposal isn’t left un-enacted and nobody notices, as in the absence of the rule, it would mean that all future attempts to enact proposals would be invalid as they wouldn’t be the oldest pending proposal.)

Josh: he/they

30-12-2024 18:30:10 UTC

I think most of the abuse cases are handled by a combination of Fair Play (“A Snail should not deliberately and unreasonably prolong the performance of a game action once they have started it”) and 1.1 (“This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Snails shall obey it”).

Josh: he/they

30-12-2024 18:30:51 UTC

In the event that those aren’t watertight, it would have to be a scam in a non-dynastic rule, which is also prohibited.

ais523: Custodian

30-12-2024 19:17:31 UTC

Well, if someone accidentally messes up an atomic action and someone else decides to keep that information secret for a late reveal, it’s unclear whether that’s actually a scam, and if so, whether it’s a core rule that’s being scammed. (Also, given that the scam would likely be used to prevent someone else winning, it wouldn’t be a Fair Play violation; that rule prevents the use of a core rules scam to achieve victory, or to cause someone else to win victory, but not to lock someone else out of the game.)

I’m more concerned with accidental breakage than intentional breakage, though.

Josh: he/they

30-12-2024 19:33:04 UTC

[ais] It was more a comment on JD’s concern that this change would implicitly permit the deliberate non-completion of an atomic action; this proposal doesn’t seem to affect the legality of the situation you’re describing, just the practicality.

Josh: he/they

30-12-2024 20:28:55 UTC



30-12-2024 23:16:59 UTC

for though I admit to being mildly confused.


31-12-2024 08:55:27 UTC

against I don’t understand why this is necessary, and it feels counterintuitive that an atomic action might legally be left uncompleted

If nobody notices that the action was performed incorrectly, then there’s no problem; and if someone notices, they can and should post a CfJ to either undo or uphold the action

Josh: he/they

31-12-2024 10:38:07 UTC

“if someone notices, they can and should post a CfJ” - this is the problem - you say “can and should” but that ‘should’ isn’t anywhere in the ruleset. Players can and likely occasionally will exploit the gap for their own interests instead.


31-12-2024 16:47:20 UTC

I choose to stubbornly refuse to accept that people will perform game-hindering scams for their own benefit, just in case some miraculous magical quantum effect will transform the perceived universe to match the erroneous beliefs of my consciousness

Josh: he/they

31-12-2024 16:56:09 UTC

You could try to legislate to make it so! Put something into fair play about how players should strive to correct inaccuracies in the ruleset or gamestate as soon as they notice them rather thanholding on for personal gain. I won’t vote for it but you never know.