Sunday, December 04, 2022

Proposal: [Appendix] Nothing is Subjective

Fails 1-3 after more than 48 hours. -Bucky

Adminned at 06 Dec 2022 19:26:09 UTC

In the Appendix rule “Other”, replace

The “subject” of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is “” (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.


A blog entry’s Subject is its Title. Any entry whose subject is “” (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.


Kevan: he/him

04-12-2022 19:39:13 UTC

This doesn’t help much without a definition of “Title”.

The current rule implying that a Title is a thing containing a colon isn’t great either (a plain blog post called simply “Example” would have a title but no subject?), but it does at least tell us that for a simple case like “Proposal: Example”, the Title must be “Proposal: Example” and the subject “Example”.


04-12-2022 20:13:57 UTC

Well, if we aren’t using it at all then it shouldn’t be in the glossary, despite representing pre-Switch tradition.

Title is implicitly defined by the blog software, but I think you’ve overlooked the existing text, “If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject.”

Josh: he/they

04-12-2022 20:21:16 UTC

I’ll be giving this a retaliatory red-cross, as that is apparently Bucky’s and my relationship now.

Kevan: he/him

04-12-2022 21:51:46 UTC

Oh, right, “does not contain a colon” helps. Still leaves a bit of a question mark over something like “Proposal: Example: Part Two”

From the point of view of the blog software, Title seems to be the version without the prefix: that’s what we type when asked for a “title” in the edit interface, and it’s what shows up in various feeds of the game’s content. We’ve just arbitrarily decided for the blog design that such names get displayed as an h3 heading that’s prefixed with “Proposal:”

We’re not using the term in the current dynasty, but may in the future - we occasionally require that game announcements follow a particular format. “The title of a blog post” seems like it should be something that it’s possible to make casual reference to, without there being multiple technical interpretations.

Kevan: he/him

05-12-2022 09:46:08 UTC


Josh: he/they

05-12-2022 09:49:03 UTC

The more I look at this, the more I’m not sure why the entry needs to be there at all.

Leaning against in favour of just removing the entry altogether.

Kevan: he/him

05-12-2022 10:09:46 UTC

I think we do probably need some version of the entry. It’s a superficially obvious concept that will occasionally get referenced by rules, and which has, when examined closely, two different possible meanings.

The current rule is odd, though, in calling one the “title” and the other the “subject”.

Josh: he/they

05-12-2022 10:18:46 UTC

Could it not fall under the general tradition of clear English meaning?

Kevan: he/him

06-12-2022 16:56:25 UTC

I’m not sure there is one, I think it’s plausible enough to think of it as either including the prefix (because that’s how it looks on the blog) or not (because when EE asks you to write a “title” you just type in the second bit).

As a design tangent, there’s no particular reason why we have to display posts with a colon prefix in the blog, it might even make more sense to change it to something like:

Darknight: he/him

06-12-2022 19:22:18 UTC
