Saturday, June 12, 2021

Proposal: [Appendix] Too late to edit?

Timed out and enacted, 6-4. Josh

Adminned at 14 Jun 2021 13:08:54 UTC

In the rule “Official Posts”, in the sentence

An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than two hours old and either no Vampire Lord has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) if all comments on it contain no voting icons; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset.

change “two hours” to “eight hours”.

We’ve had a lot of instances lately when useful feedback on a proposal came just too late for the author to incorporate it (or else, the author got online a little too late to edit it in). This is promoting a weird sort of grind where you want to be online almost constantly to make sure proposal feedback gets in in time.

The two-hour time limit is, therefore, probably too strict. BlogNomic did fine for many years with a much more lenient limit (apart from one scam which involved editing an official post into a proposal over 48 hours after it was posted, something which isn’t possible in today’s ruleset). I’m being on the conservative side and raising it to 8, but I think the current editing limit is definitely too short. (And of course, if you think someone’s trying to abuse the mechanism, you can just vote on their proposal to lock it from editing.)



12-06-2021 12:16:45 UTC


Josh: he/they

12-06-2021 12:27:08 UTC

Mm. Interesting.

for Sure, let’s try it out.

lemon: she/her

12-06-2021 12:37:50 UTC



12-06-2021 12:52:33 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-06-2021 12:54:13 UTC

I think BlogNomic has been pretty strict about edit windows, except for a year where we tried six hours. The full history seems to be:

* When BlogNomic started, you couldn’t edit proposals at all.
* At some point, you could edit until someone posted any kind of comment.
* From August 2014, you could edit until someone made a comment that didn’t start with “Note:”
* From March 2017, you could edit for six hours or until someone voted.
* From May 2018, that became two hours.

With six hours, we were finding that proposals were regularly timing out, I think because active players were sometimes forgetting to go back and vote the next day (if you’ve left commentary that’s concluded “great, I would vote for this” or “this is solid but I don’t like it”, that feels a lot like voting), and less active ones were logging in periodically, feeling that they shouldn’t vote on any of the recent proposals in case the active players shouted at them, and walking away again.

It does depend on the player base, though: the May 2018 dynasty had a very strong moratorium on not voting during an edit window (I think to the point where “locking” anyone’s proposal was considered extremely rude, even a simple one as they might wanted to have added a rider to it), and that was ultimately down to the group and its social norms.

But as a Nomic player I prefer faster, smaller, vote-now proposals that sometimes fail, over complex rule changes that I read in the evening, am not allowed to vote on, and then have to read again in the morning to see if anything was changed or snuck in overnight. An eight-hour window is to some extent saying “if you go to sleep at midnight, maybe don’t bother reading any proposals posted after 4pm”; scattered over timezones, that could close a lot of eyes.


Raven1207: he/they

12-06-2021 13:49:32 UTC


Clucky: he/him

12-06-2021 16:46:01 UTC

oh god no

we already run into issues with people waiting to vote on proposals in order to give the two hour limit spaces to run it course, or voting too soon and ruffling feathers because now stuff can’t be changed.

this might make people feel like then need to wait eight hours which would lead to more ruffled feathers and more people waiting to vote on stuff and slowing the game down


Janet: she/her

12-06-2021 23:30:47 UTC

against per others

ais523: Custodian

13-06-2021 01:12:33 UTC

@Clucky: if you feel like that, I’d recommend making a proposal to go the other way (i.e. no editing if there are any comments or past the first 15 minutes). As it is, the window’s just giving an advantage to people who can stay online continuously for 2 hours after making their proposal, at a time when everyone else is also checking BlogNomic frequently.

FWIW, I see an edit window as a nice compromise between “all these proposals are buggy so nothing ever gets done, because people want to use their slots for something else when they get them back” and “let’s discuss everything in an unofficial post before we propose it”. The smaller the edit window, the slower the game’s likely to go because it means that a higher proportion of proposals fail, whereas the absolute number of proposals is limited by proposal slots, so it slows down the rate at which proposals can do anything. I consider that a much bigger problem than proposals timing out (maybe because I’m used to nomics where the only way proposals can get enacted is timing out).

(Another possibility would be immediately refunding people’s slots when they had a proposal that’s a good idea but contains bugs – to reduce the cost of making a buggy proposal – but I think I’ve been comprehensively outvoted on that one by now.)

Josh: he/they

13-06-2021 10:16:04 UTC

I’ve been considering my vote here, with the difficulty that I agree with ais and also with Clucky and Kevan. I think on balance that ais is correct, that the status quo is kind of a weird compromise that doesn’t quite work; I know that the platform for BN 3.0 has tools that will allow us to fine-tune this better but for now a change is certainly needed. I’m voting for this knowing that it has potential pitfalls but would echo ais’ comment that counter-proposals would be welcome.

Kevan: he/him

13-06-2021 12:08:23 UTC

ExpressionEngine has some options: we were saying a while back (after a new player erroneously assumed that it was still legal to edit a proposal after the window because the “edit” link was still there) that it’d be possible to change a page’s display template based on how old it was.

We could, I think, write “PROPOSAL LESS THAN EIGHT HOURS OLD AND >500 WORDS, PLEASE WAIT FOR DISCUSSION TO END BEFORE VOTING” across the top of comment boxes if that was the tone we wanted to strike. There’s maybe even a way to fade out voting icons cast during the window, although that might be optimistic.

Josh: he/they

13-06-2021 13:37:22 UTC

The 3.0 features I was thinking of were sidebar widgets that showed which proposals you hadn’t voted on, so they could have a howeverlong protosal window and still notify people to check back in later, when they were open for voting.

Brendan: he/him

13-06-2021 19:48:49 UTC
