Proposal: [Appendix][Core] Let’s Talk Privately
Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 3 by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Aug 2023 12:16:01 UTC
In the Appendix, replace the text for the Private Message keyword with the following:
A message sent via BlogNomic’s Private Messages system at, or via Discord’s Direct Messages system if both the sender’s and receiver’s Discord “Server Nickname” in the BlogNomic Discord server matches their respective usernames on
In the Fair Play section of the Core Rules, add the following bullet point:
A District should not impersonate another District on the BlogNomic Discord server through the use of the same or similar Server Nicknames.
The goal is to allow “private message” to include Discord DMs while preventing impersonation through the Fair Play rules. If two people want to use Discord DMs, its their Discord “Server Nickname” that is easily changeable without having to change their core Discord “Display Name” for other Discord servers.
I recognize that there could be debate on what “similar” means, but there’s plenty of other Fair Play rules that also have leeway, such as “deliberately and unreasonably prolong the performance of a game action”. I think as long as it’s understood to be “within reason”, it’s good enough.
Also, the call-out specifically to Server Nicknames is due to the fact that it’s not necessarily fair to force someone to change their Display Name, which is displayed across all Discord servers, just to appease the Fair Play rule for BlogNomic. Server Nickname should be enough.
lendunistus: he/him
I want to remain an Alan worshipper