Proposal: Are your corrupt?
Procedurally vetoed. - lilomar
Adminned at 29 Jul 2010 13:18:16 UTC
If the Proposal entitled “Proposal: The Island awaits you” fails, this Proposal does nothing.
In the Rule entitled “Officiating the Lottery” replace “All citizens of this and higher clearance levels may perform the role of Notary and officiate the Lottery, if it has not yet been done this week.” with:
All citizens of this clearance level may perform the role of Notary and officiate the Lottery, if it has not yet been done this week.
In the Rule entitled “Credits” replace “Each citizen has an amount of Credits, tracked in the GNDT. New citizens start with 500 Credits.” with:
Each Citizen has an amount of Credits, tracked privately by the High-Programmer. New citizens start with 500 Credits. The High-Programmer may only tell a Citizen how many Credits this Citizen - but not any other Citizen - currently holds.
Remove the GNDT-field concerning Credits.
Add a subrule to the Rule “Credits” entitled “Transferring”:
Any Citizen (known as the Transferrer) may, at any time, inform the High Programmer that they intend to transfer an amount of Credits (known as the Transfer Amount) to any other Citizen (known as the Receiver). As far as possible the High Programmer shall resolve the transferring, which means: If the Transfer Amount is (then) higher than the amount of Credits of the Transferrer, the High Programmer shall inform this Citizen that the transferring is not possible and cannot be done. If not, the High Progammer shall transfer a Transfer Amount of Credits from the Transferrer to the Receiver and inform both the Transferrer and the High Programmer who has participated in the Transferring, only the Transferrer how many Credits the Transferrer holds and only the Receiver how many Credits the Receiver holds.
To the bullet list of Rule 1.10 entitled “Fair Play” add:
* Admins, excluding the High Programmer, should not read personal messages written (using the ExpressionEngine) by a Citizen and addressed to the High Programmer.
In Rule 3.1 entitled “Keywords” rewrite the section Resolve/Resolution to:
If used in a context of Proposals, Call for Judgements or Declarations of Victory, the world “Resolve†means to perform the act, as an Admin, of enacting or failing a Proposal, a Call for Judgement or a Declaration of Victory. The world “Resolution†means then the act of doing so. If used in another context, the meaning of both “Resolve” and “Resolution” is the standard English meaning of these words.
Can you climb up the carrier latter without corruption? And if you can, do you want to?
Note: Currently there are no Rules entitled “Officiating the Lottery” or “Credits”, therefore this Proposal is not Treasonous. Of course I could add a mechanism, if the Proposal entitled “Proposal: The Island awaits you” fails, but if it fails, I assume there is not interest for Credits in general.
due to mixing a core rules change proposal and a dynastic rule proposal in the same proposal