Friday, December 09, 2022

Proposal: Arm Un-Extensions

Quorums 8-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 11 Dec 2022 15:51:18 UTC

In the bulleted list in the subrule “Explorers Phase” of “Turns”, replace

Pick up or drop an Item


Pick up or drop an Item in the same Room as themselves

and in the same list, replace

Use an Item that was already held at the start of the current Explorers Phase


Use an Item that was already held by themselves at the start of the current Explorers Phase

Remove the sentence “Items can also be picked up, dropped, and used at any time during the Explorers Phase” from the rule “Items”.

Why do we all have really long arms?


JonathanDark: he/him

09-12-2022 16:38:43 UTC

Good point. While you’re at it cleaning up the Item rules, how about we also replace:

“any Explorer may do any of the following any number of times”


“any Explorer may do any of the following any number of times, unless otherwise restricted by another rule”

just to avoid a conflict with rules that might limit an item’s use to a certain number of times or a certain time during the Explorers Phase.

SingularByte: he/him

09-12-2022 16:42:17 UTC

I don’t think you need to worry about people arguing they can use items any number of times even when a rule restricts it. The appendix already says that the smaller scope applies, and equal contradictions would err on the side of stopping an action rather than permitting it.

JonathanDark: he/him

09-12-2022 17:07:01 UTC

Thanks for pointing that out. I’m still new enough that I’m not immediately aware of all of the Appendix rules, as there are many. I appreciate the help.

Benbot: he/him

09-12-2022 20:41:13 UTC

I like long arms

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

10-12-2022 01:42:39 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

10-12-2022 05:39:42 UTC


Kevan: he/him

10-12-2022 08:35:45 UTC


Josh: he/they

10-12-2022 12:19:30 UTC


quirck: he/him

10-12-2022 14:51:54 UTC



10-12-2022 18:32:48 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

10-12-2022 19:07:23 UTC
