Sunday, January 05, 2020

Proposal: artefacts

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 2 votes to 4 by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2020 19:38:36 UTC

Add a subrule to Artefacts called “The Soggy Meatball” with the text:

Description: A meatball that appears to be Italian, roughly 2 inches in diameter and always mysteriously oozing spaghetti sauce.
Location: The Containment Facility.
Protocol: [REDACTED]
Effect: When an Individual who carries this Artefact would take Damage from a non-Italian source, they take two less instead.

Add a subrule to Artefacts called “The Rulebook” with the text:

Description: A book of rules that appears to be from Monopoly.
Location: The Institute.
Protocol: Read the Rulebook at least once a day.
Effect: An Individual who carries the Rulebook may read from it as a Daily action. When an Individual reads from the Rulebook, they may change one letter in a Dynastic rule to a different letter if the Protocol was followed the previous day.

Add a subrule to Artefacts called “The DEF Flag” with the text:

Description: A square flag with red and green coloring bearing the inscription DEF.
Location: Jerez.
Protocol: Unknown.
Effect: An Individual who carries the DEF Flag may make Proposals with the DEF tag. Deferential votes cast on Proposals with the DEF tag count as the type of vote that the Proposal’s author cast instead of the Director.


Kevan: he/him

05-01-2020 19:52:40 UTC

I’m not sure where it’d put us in game terms if we failed to read the Rulebook one day, but the word “must” seems unnecessarily strong, if the action isn’t actually compulsory.


05-01-2020 21:33:29 UTC


Josh: he/they

05-01-2020 21:55:51 UTC

against The lack of a protocol fail state.

Kevan: he/him

06-01-2020 08:58:11 UTC

imperial I think it’s okay now that the proposal was edited to remove the phrasing that it “must” be read once per day.

Kevan: he/him

06-01-2020 09:28:01 UTC

An easily obtainable Artefact that can trash one game mechanic per day (change Collector to Bollector in the list of Pursuits and all Collector rules switch off, etc) is maybe a bit strong as an opener, though.


06-01-2020 16:46:38 UTC

True, maybe it should be something else. Also the specific instances you cite isn’t a word and could probably be changed back under the spelling correction rule.

Kevan: he/him

06-01-2020 17:14:59 UTC

I’d say that if you’re rewriting the definition, it can be an invented word. We would be able to play a dynasty about creatures called Bollectors if we wanted to, without players “correcting” the spelling.

Kevan: he/him

07-01-2020 09:03:16 UTC

against CoV as I think the Rulebook is too big a prize for the enacting admin (or the most alert player, if I enact it), allowing them to switch off every other Artefact remotely.


07-01-2020 12:59:17 UTC



07-01-2020 13:47:34 UTC


Brendan: he/him

07-01-2020 18:31:57 UTC



07-01-2020 18:58:43 UTC
