Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Call for Judgment: As long as we’re calling out scams

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. Doesn’t - I think - revert Lemon’s unenthrallment, as this was not an example of “Dark Favours claimed, spent or exchanged”, it was a regular Favour granted.

Adminned at 23 Jun 2021 10:30:22 UTC

If the paragraph reading “If a Vampire Lord is Enthralled, then as a Daily Action, they may grant the Vampire Lord who most recently Enthralled them a Favour, then set their Allegiance to none and cease being Enthralled” exists in the rule “Vampire Lords” then reword it as follows:

If a Vampire Lord is Enthralled, then as a Daily Action that is also an Atomic Action and is known as Emancipating, they may grant the Vampire Lord who most recently Enthralled them a Favour, then set their Allegiance to none and cease being Enthralled.

If the bullet point reading “Enthralldom, as per the rule Vampire Lords” exists in the rule “Dark Favours” then reword it to:

  • Emancipating, as described in rule Vampire Lords

If the bullet point reading “Spend: An Initiator spending a Favour that they hold to gain a resource or advantage from its Lender, the Provider;” exists in the rule “Dark Favours” then reword it to:

  • Spend: An Initiator spending a Favour that they hold to transfer a resource or advantage from its Lender, the Provider, to the Initiator;

Revert the effects of any Dark Favours claimed, spent or exchanged between the time this Call for Judgment was published and the time it was enacted.

Since “gain” doesn’t necessarily mean “one person loses what the other receives” per the Appendix, and “Enthralldom” doesn’t necessarily mean “I stop Enthralling you as per the defined Daily Action,” there is currently a scam offering infinite Influence by means of Dark Favours—it’s probably too rickety to pass a victory vote, but I still think it’s worth cleaning up.


Josh: he/they

22-06-2021 19:47:50 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

22-06-2021 20:50:06 UTC


Kevan: he/him

22-06-2021 20:54:39 UTC


Janet: she/her

22-06-2021 21:59:26 UTC


ais523: Custodian

22-06-2021 22:27:22 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

23-06-2021 07:04:03 UTC
