Friday, March 09, 2007

Ascension Address

Hello Agent. Don’t bother denying it, I know the truth. You are one of the top Agents of the World. My name is…well, call me the Mastermind. I’m sending you this because I know you’ve got the skills neccessary to be a very powerful ally, and so I’m extending the hand of friendship to you, before I begin my reign over this planet. Of course…if you choose to disregard my offer, I will have to kill you. It’s up to you, you have 2 weeks to make up your mind. This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds. 4…..3…..2….Have a nice day….1

Iudices become Agents (singular Agent), the Arbiter Iuri becomes Mastermind. All Dynastic rules are repealed


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