Proposal: Atomic Age [Core] [Appendix]
Fewer than quorum not voting against. Failed 1-6, Josh
Adminned at 30 Jun 2021 09:10:50 UTC
Add the following to the list of Fair Play violations
A Vampire Lord should not deliberately delay completion of an atomic action once they begin it.
Add the following bullet point to the list of bullet points in Atomic Actions
If an Atomic Action began more than 24 hours ago and has not been completed, the entire action is canceled (they undo all the steps they have performed of that Action and are considered never to have performed that Action.)
Pokes mentioned some scams around delaying completion of your atomic action so that other people could do stuff mid action which would cancel out unfavorable dice rolls. Seems like a useful thing to patch. Also I think letting actions timeout is probably a good call, which we can safely do if we make it clear you can’t go like “oops that was a bad roll not gonna finish this action”
Josh: he/they
Doesn’t this patch just make the scam easier - i.e. you start the AA, get bad rolls, and then just stop for 24 hours knowing that it will all go away?