Sunday, July 02, 2023

Proposal: Attendant Ascendant

enacted 4-0

Adminned at 04 Jul 2023 04:14:24 UTC

In the rule Hunter/Seeker Algorithm, immediately after the phrase ‘including being destroyed as a result of a successful Mindjacking’, add

, but excluding the ability of the Ascendant (detailed in the rule Avatars) to make the values of a given Avatar valid

No details, but an Avatar has been hunter/seekered into illegal values and I don’t think I can currently fix it; it’s not breaking the game as while that is the case it ‘is not considered to be an Avatar by any dynastic rule other than this subrule’, but I don’t want to have to wait until Tuesday to fix it.


lemon: she/her

02-07-2023 07:57:04 UTC

/illegal values/. huh?

can any of my fellow Mindjackers help me understand how that could possibly be? each of the three Hunter/Seeker launches that’ve taken place has sought to either A) change the avatar’s Home Tier to Tier 8, which doesn’t have any possible illegal Star Sign or Occupancy Tier values (except Occupancy Tier 8, which is always illegal); or B) set the Occupancy Tier to a value that’s below the named Home Tier, which is also universally legal as far as i’m aware!

so, am i being very oblivious, is the emperor misunderstanding a rule somewhere, or does the emperor have a scam-like unintuitive rules interpretation that none of the rest of us can see?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-07-2023 08:03:35 UTC

Oh I might have misinterpreted something, let me check

Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-07-2023 08:04:07 UTC

Oh I did, that’s on me.

lemon: she/her

02-07-2023 08:06:11 UTC

i’ve had a bad feeling for a couple days, but i’d hoped it wasn’t true u_u

lemon: she/her

02-07-2023 08:07:34 UTC

can you tell us the extent of the damages?

like, could u just re-deliver information correctly? or would a CfJ be able to fix it instead? or has the well been poisoned for a while?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-07-2023 08:11:10 UTC

I’ve posted a CfJ. I can’t see that the impact is major tbh.

lemon: she/her

03-07-2023 01:40:02 UTC

for well, the cause for this being posted was an error, but the proposal itself isn’t a bad idea!

JonathanDark: he/him

03-07-2023 02:14:45 UTC



03-07-2023 03:39:10 UTC
