Five items today:
1. An Athenian natural realist scene depicting Apollo at Crete
Type: Physical/Art
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt)
Characteristics: Renaissance, 1,987 years old
2. Feast of Ortolan
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Distracting (-1 Power), Extravagant (+3 Prestige)
3. A life-sized nude erotic sculpture of St John the Baptist
Type: Physical/Romantic Gift
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt), Distracting (-1 Power), Unfashionable (-1 Prestige)
Characteristics: Obscene
4. Inclusion on the War Council
Type: Military
Impacts: Instructive (+3 Power)
5. A suite seven feet closer to the bedchambers of the King
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt), Instructive (+1 Power), Extravagant (+3 Prestige)
“Characteristics: Renaissance, 1,987 years old” fml
I idle, quorum falls to 7.