Proposal: Audience Effect
Reached quorum, 8 votes to 1. Enacted by TyGuy6.
Adminned at 22 Nov 2021 01:14:52 UTC
Add the following subrule, called “Audience Perception” to the rule “Rowdy Rumble”:
A Realtor can be Over, determined by the quantity of Yays and Boos they have. A Realtor who is The Face, or is on a team with The Face, is Over when they have at least two more Yays than Boos; a Realtor who is The Heel, or is on a team with The Heel, is Over when they have at least two more Boos than Yays.
Add the following step to the Fighting atomic action, immediately after the step which includes the words “Finishing Move”:
* If they are Over and kept a set of die results which corresponds to only four of the five values of their Finishing Move (without considering the order of those results), gaining 4 Contribution
the idea here is that u can accomplish ur finishing move even with 1 mismatch, at only a slight decrease in contribution, if u have a ratio of Yays and Boos that fits yr role!!
Silverwing: she/her