Saturday, April 28, 2012

Proposal: Auto-Shorting the Market

Timed out and cannot be passed, 3-3. Josh

Adminned at 30 Apr 2012 00:39:43 UTC

Change, in the rule “Cycle Resolution” the text:

The player that influenced 96189 Pygmalion in the previous Cycle gains 1 Credit for each Resource Galactic Galatea gained this Cycle.


The player that influenced 96189 Pygmalion in the previous Cycle gains Y-X Credits, where Y is equal to the total number of Resources Galactic Galatea currently possesses and X is equal to the total number of Resources Galactic Galatea possessed at the beginning of the current Cycle, if Y-X is positive

Fixes a problem with Galatea involving the Bank.


Clucky: he/him

28-04-2012 02:41:56 UTC

against If you want to fix it so that it goes into effect next cycle be my guest…

Josh: Imperator he/they

28-04-2012 07:45:57 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-04-2012 11:17:34 UTC

against Poor form not to unpower it for whichever bidding cycle this enacts during.


29-04-2012 18:44:41 UTC



29-04-2012 22:23:09 UTC

for though I agree with Kevan.
(Actually I believe it should have been unpowered the first time we added that rule, too.)