Proposal: Autoproduction
Self-Killed automatically due to Veto of previous proposal—Excalabur
Adminned at 14 Sep 2005 00:15:33 UTC
If the proposer’s previous proposal did not pass, this proposal shall automatically be self-killed. This is the reason behind that proposal: to enable the following to occur.
Create another set of columns for each country in the gndt, each entitled ‘((Commodity)) Prod.’, where ((Commodity)) takes the value of each type of commodity. Set the value of this to be the total amount of production each country has in each commodity.
Change the second sentence of rule 10.1.1 from
Often, a Country may increase the Stocks of Commodities it has by the combined Production Capacity of all Territories it controls.
Daily, at midnight GMT, the Stocks of Commodites of all countries shall be increased by the combined Production Capacities of all Territories it controls, as tracked in the GNDT
Excalabur shall write a script to execute this daily production within 48 hours of this proposal passing, or the effects of this proposal shall be reversed, unless someone else writes the script first.
This seems like a better idea…