Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Proposal: Avast, Check-Matey!

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 15 Mar 2018 01:20:21 UTC

Create a rule called “Duels” with:

Instead of moving one of their pieces, a Pawn can challenge another Pawn whose Piece is on a cell adjacent to theirs (ie. that cell is immediately right, left, above or below them) to a Duel by making a Blog Post for this purpose. A King shall then comment to this Blog Post with the result of who has more Combat Power and declare them the winner of the Duel. Upon such, that winner gains a Treasure from that Pawn, if it is possible for them to gain it.

Create a rule called “Treasures” with:

Pawns have an amount of Treasures from other non-King Pawns, defaulting to none, and this is tracked in the GNDT. A Pawn can declare that they expend a Treasure of a Pawn in a comment to a Proposal. Doing this makes that Pawn’s (the one the Treasure was from) vote FOR for that proposal, regardless of that Pawn’s later or previous votes. Only one Treasure of a Pawn can be in play at a time.

A Pawn can Study a Treasure they have to increase their Sanity by 20 and destroy that Treasure.
A Pawn can Befriend a Treasure they have to decrease their Sanity by 20 and destroy that Treasure.



13-03-2018 18:38:30 UTC

please note that cells can only contain one piece at a time


13-03-2018 18:51:48 UTC

Ah, Fixed


14-03-2018 13:28:43 UTC

When a Pawn is first placed on the board it is placed in an empty cell, but from then on nothing in the ruleset prevents Pawns from moving into an occupied cell.


14-03-2018 13:30:47 UTC

“Upon such, that winner gains a Treasure from that Pawn” should change to “... from the other Pawn” I think. As it stands, the winner would get a treasure from either himself or the king the way I read it.


14-03-2018 13:34:26 UTC

Also, I read this proposal as saying you expend the treasure that another Pawn holds, is that right ?


14-03-2018 13:35:21 UTC

“A Pawn can declare that they expend a Treasure of a Pawn in a comment to a Proposal.” -> it doesn’t state who currently holds the Treasure you are expending.


14-03-2018 15:58:57 UTC

I cri against