Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Proposal: b-b-b-b-bonus

Timed out, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Mar 2024 05:22:49 UTC

In “Scoring” after “Each Seeker has a Development Interval, which is a publicly tracked number that defaults to 5” add “which is at least 2”

Add the following to “Scoring”

Each Seeker has a Development Bonus which is publicly tracked and defaults to 0. Whenever a Seeker posts a Snap, they gain a number of Points equal to three times their Development Bonus.

In “Upgrades” replace “When an Upgrade Request is enacted, the Development Interval of its poster is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1, unless the same Seeker has already had a Upgrade Request enacted for the same Upgrade Benchmark previously in the dynasty, in which case their development interval is not reduced” with

When an Upgrade Request is enacted, the Development Interval of its poster is reduced by 1 (if it is three or higher) or their Development Bonus is increased by one (if their Development Interval is already 2), unless the same Seeker has already had a Upgrade Request enacted for the same Upgrade Benchmark previously in the dynasty, in which case their development interval is not reduced and their development bonus is not increased

The game speeding up to being one post per day feels excessive. This rewards doing upgrades past the first three, while limiting the pace of the dynasty a bit.


Josh: he/they

19-03-2024 08:59:04 UTC

Yep, I like this.  for

JonathanDark: he/him

19-03-2024 15:51:14 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

20-03-2024 10:00:58 UTC


Kevan: he/him

20-03-2024 10:57:19 UTC
