Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Proposal: backup plan

reached quorum 5-0 with 1 def enacted by card

Adminned at 25 Jan 2018 01:55:29 UTC

If “This hand is my hand” has passed change “The destination slot does not belong to a Resident who is Suspicious towards them.” to

The destination slot belongs to them.

If “This hand is my hand” has not passed do the following things:
change “A Resident can move a Supply into any slot it can be in from an existing slot.” to

A Resident can move a Supply into any slot it can be in from an existing slot, provided both slots belong to the Resident which is moving the Supply.

Undo any changes that involved Residents moving Supplies to slots which don’t belong to them.

I’m pretty sure the scope rule would still allow the Trusting clause to transfer supplies. I don’t think you need to redefine ownership since Body states “has the following slots”.



24-01-2018 00:22:04 UTC

>Undo any changes that involved Residents moving Supplies to slots which don’t belong to them.

Nope. Redcross. Remove that lol.


24-01-2018 00:30:49 UTC

Nah, I won’t need your vote for this to pass.


24-01-2018 00:38:46 UTC

They don’t benefit from it. The only people who do are you and Derrick.


24-01-2018 00:39:53 UTC

(Aside from a free proposal slot to fix an issue which is obvious now, but it can just be proposed again.)

Kevan: he/him

24-01-2018 08:22:55 UTC


Kevan: he/him

24-01-2018 09:37:48 UTC

[Cuddlebeam] If this loophole’s effects aren’t undone, then the enacting admin (who could be Card) could just use it to grab everything themselves seconds before enactment. So everyone except that admin benefits.

It’s also useful to reinforce a social precedent that if a trivial loophole is openly discussed and available to everyone, there’s no point in anyone exploiting it for exploitation’s sake.


24-01-2018 13:05:11 UTC



24-01-2018 15:43:15 UTC

imperial Kevan has a point there tbh, there is no solution in usual gameplay which would make this end up favorably for me without the solution being biased towards me being “first” or whatever.

I just wish there was a better way to have exploited it. Maybe PMing Diabecko/the person solving it in question and request them to remove or s/k the proposal? Hrm. We’ll see. Could work I guess.


24-01-2018 23:17:27 UTC

(Cuddlebeam: you voted in favour of the “This hand is my hand” proposal which will also undo your actions, so why not vote for this one)

Your recent comments (here and on the other proposal) brought up an interesting point though: being admin shouldn’t be a gameplay advantage, but the “power” to choose when to enact a proposal is an advantage. The only way to avoid this would be to automate enactment I suppose. Just a thought;



24-01-2018 23:18:49 UTC

(or make everyone admin but that would be a mess :D)