Proposal: Bad Reputation
Timed out 7 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 May 2020 10:10:44 UTC
Add a new rule called “Reputation” and give it the following text
Each Amnesiac has an integer Reputation, which defaults to 0 and is privately tracked by the Past Memory.
Role Actionsare a type of Action which may only be performed by any Amnesiac who has a Posture which matches a Role specified by the Role Action.
As a Daily Action, if an Amnesiac (the acuser) belives another Amnesiac (the acusee) performed an Role Action which is not allowed by the acusee’s actual Role, the acuser may send the Past Memory an Accusation. An accusation must be sent within 24 hours of the original action being performed, and an Amnesiac may only send an accusation once for each instance of an action being performed. After receiving an Accusation, the Past Memory should Resolve the Accusation by giving the Acuser two Reputation and causing the Acusee to lose one Reputation (If auccee’s actual Role at the time the action was performed did not allow them to perform the Role Action), or giving the Acusee one Reputation and causing the Acuser to lose two Reputation (If the aucee’s actual Role at the time the action was performed did allow them to perform the Role Aciton)
As a weekly action, after Resolving all Acusations sent in the prior week but before Resolving any Acusations sent in the current week, the Past Memory should make a story post to the blog naming the Amnesiac with the highest Reputation (or that no such Amnesiac exists), and the Amnesiac with the lowest Reputation (or that no such Amnesiac exists). If named, then for the rest of the week the Amnesiac with the highest Reputation is the Hero and the one with the lowest Reputation is the Villian.
Adding a way for us to start allowing people with asserted roles to take actions associated with those roles, but potentially face consequences. Everything kept secret so you can’t just tell that your guess was correct but if you might be able to infer stuff from who the hero and the villian are.
Josh: he/they