Proposal: Balance Changes
Times out and is Enacted 5-0. - lilomar
Adminned at 30 Jun 2010 13:28:56 UTC
Change the first sentence of the Rule “Armor List” to
The items listed in this table are armors, with Base AC, Armor Type and magic resistance as specified.
Make the following changes to the tables in the Rules “Weapon List” and “Armor List”:
*Add an “Armor Type” column to the Armor List if it doesn’t already exist.
*Set the Armor Type of ring mail, leather armor and (if it exists) dwarven chain mail to Body Armor
*Set the Armor Type of small shield to Shield
*Set the Armor Type of robe and cloak of magic resistance to Cloak
*Set the Armor Type of Hawaiian shirt to Shirt
*Set the Damage of quarterstaff to 2d3
*Set the Damage of dart to 2d2
the armor types were an earlier oversight, the quarterstaff change is to differentiate it from a mace, and the dart change is to make our only pure-ranged weapon not strictly inferior to daggers.