Proposal: Balancing Act
S-K. —Excalabur
Adminned at 05 May 2006 07:51:29 UTC
Add a rule entitled “Balancing Act” containing the following text.
When a proposal is enacted, each monk who voted AGAINST the proposal may increase eir Integrity by 1 at any time in the 72 hours following enactment. When a proposal is failed, each monk who voted FOR the proposal may incease eir Integrity by 1 at any time in the 72 hours following the failure.
The proposer never gains Integrity under this rule.
Monks who voted IMPERIAL never gain Integrity under this rule.
No monk gains Integrity under this rule when a vote is subject to VETO.
Ugh, sorry, but there are a few things I don’t like about this. For starters, this would encourage Monks to swoop in at the last minute to change their votes on Proposals, just for the Integrity gain (maybe this is an intended consequence, but I thought I’d point it out). If I were an Admin, I would always vote whichever way gave the Integrity gain just before enacting or failing any Proposal. In any case, there seems to be no limit to the number of times the Integrity gain may be taken by a Monk for a single Proposal.