Friday, January 17, 2025

Proposal: Balancing Act

Withdrawn and failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 06:31:11 UTC

Add a subrule to “Teams and Targets {I}” named “Rebalancing {M}” with the following text:

Rebalance is an atomic action with the following steps:

* Choose a word at least five alphabetic letters in length that appears in three different Mutable rules as the Source Word, with the Mutable rules selected as the Source Rules.
* Choose a word at least five alphabetic letters in length that is not the same as the Source Word selected from the previous step and that appears in three different Mutable rules, where none of those rules are the same as the Source Rules selected in the previous step, as the Target Word and those rules selected as the Target Rules.
* In each Target Rule, swap one instance of the Target Word with one instance of the Source Word from any one of the Source Rules selected in this instance of this action.
* Swap the Targets of two non-Mastermind Participants if those Participants have non-empty Targets.

A Mastermind may, as a Heist Action, perform a Rebalance, indicating the Participants selected in that Rebalance in the comments of the Dice Roller for that Heist Action.

Throwing a little shenanigans into the mix. No honor among thieves.


ais523: Custodian

17-01-2025 17:02:15 UTC

I don’t really like this much – working with randomly chosen teams is more interesting than picking the perfect team every time.

I can see something like this existing, but I think it has to be more expensive than just a simple Heist Action. (Perhaps you could use a similar approach to the one used for Watchmaker – make it cost a word from the ruleset in addition to the action.)

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 18:21:48 UTC

I’ve added a “cost” to the action where words need to be selected and swapped in order to perform it. Let me know if the cost is reasonable.

ais523: Custodian

17-01-2025 18:51:38 UTC

Better, and interesting in that the cost is reversible (i.e. in the state immediately after paying the cost, it is probably still payable again), which in particular lets the other Mastermind just swap the players back if they want to.

It does make my head hurt a bit, though – there are now a lot of words in the rule, and I’m not sure it’s worth the complexity.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 19:07:46 UTC

Yeah, I’m guilty of overwrought wording quite often. Simplification suggestions are welcome, and honestly if this never gets used, I might just propose to remove the rule later.

SingularByte: he/him

17-01-2025 21:47:38 UTC

In a way, this seems even more powerful than just swapping two players around since now the mastermind gets a new player and puts the team in a position where they can abuse the newly broken rule.

Josh: he/they

17-01-2025 21:53:42 UTC

against I don’t think I see the linkage between the first three parts of the action and the last. The first bit is also scary… “Heist” is a valid word, for example, and I don’t think having every Heist action suddenly becoming an essentially free action is the kind of scam I’m up for.

ais523: Custodian

17-01-2025 22:08:43 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 22:53:25 UTC

It’s more likely that certain Heist actions would be disabled by becoming “X” actions for which there is no definition.

I still think there should be a way for Participants to switch teams (more than just the Double Agent role) if they so desired and put enough effort into it. I’ll re-think this if it fails.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 22:55:40 UTC

Oops, wrong topic. For this one, I think there should be a mechanism for Masterminds to mess with each other’s teams in some way, especially if the random distribution of team members winds up with one team being more effective than the other.

I might just be looking at this the wrong way. I could instead think about Masterminds creating “impediments” to another team’s functioning.

Josh: he/they

17-01-2025 22:56:57 UTC

Casting my eye down the playerlist I see at least three collaborations-of-preference that I think will turn into dynasty-long cooperation if at-will switching were enabled. I’m not against dynasty-long cooperation but I see no reason why it should be easy.


17-01-2025 22:57:27 UTC

against, more because I don’t like the idea of switching teams (I enjoy the temporary bubble of trust created by a team, and think it would be ruined if there was a prospect of your allies switching over) than because of the scammability


17-01-2025 22:58:28 UTC

At the very least, team-switching should be significantly more difficult than this if it’s to be allowed

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 23:02:35 UTC

Hm. What if it weren’t a choice, but random re-selection of two Participants per Heist attempt? That way, it wouldn’t be efficient to try to spend Heists getting the perfect team. Instead, it would just be used to break up a “too perfect” team. Basically a hedge against one team being Ocean’s 11.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 23:04:00 UTC

@Habanero: I do enjoy the temporary bubble of trust, but also find it perhaps “too comfy”. Everyone being criminals, I feel like it’s thematic to have some level of distrust and betrayal. It should be hard, sure, but not impossible.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 23:07:01 UTC

I’ll just withdraw this and go back to the drawing board. I appreciate the input. If there’s no real taste for this sort of thing, I won’t keep trying it.



17-01-2025 23:09:14 UTC

Unless I misunderstand you there, I would find it incredibly infuriating to spend so long planning to get your word in the ruleset only to have your team randomly reassigned at the last moment.

If we’d like to balance the teams better (I do recognize that at least right now poor Josh is stuck with all the least active players), maybe it would be a good idea to weight the random selection by activity. That seems really hard to implement in practice though, and might just end up being exploited to get the ideal team anyway.


17-01-2025 23:11:03 UTC

(Per your last comment): I do already think there’s some level of cautious distrust, given that the teams aren’t permanent at all! I’ve at the very least held back a few observations from our group, knowing that the teams won’t last

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 23:15:31 UTC

That’s fair to both points. I suppose random reselection of the teams each time will even things out over the long run.

ais523: Custodian

18-01-2025 01:24:21 UTC

Right – I feel like there’s a natural tension between “help your team now” and “hope your team triumphs without you, holding back resources for a future attempt when the teams are different whilst scoring the point anyway”, and that might naturally be enough to sow the requisite amount of distrust.