Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Proposal: Balena Vincitrice

Timed out and enacted, 4-1 with 1 unresolved DEF. Josh

Adminned at 01 Apr 2021 20:03:37 UTC

Replace the sentence “From this point onward, Players may no longer change their own Readiness” in the rule “The Crown Match” with the following:

If two or more Players each have a Magistrelli score of at least 30, Players may no longer change their own Readiness.

Replace the sentence “The Contender who is the Campione of two or more Games in the Crown Match is the victor of the Twenty-Eighth Dynasty of Kevan” in the rule “The Crown Match” with the following:

When a Player becomes Campione of at least two Games in the Crown Match, the Dealer may and should perform an Atomic Action with the following steps:

  1. Double the Pegs of the Player who has become Campione of at least two Games in the Crown Match.
  2. Create a Story Post naming the Player with the most Pegs as the Capofamiglia.

Once that Atomic Action is complete, the Player named by the Dealer as the Capofamiglia achieves victory and is the victor of the Twenty-Eighth Dynasty of Kevan.

And now reset everyone’s pegs to 30! Just kidding.


Brendan: he/him

30-03-2021 19:24:53 UTC

My goal here is still to make it most likely that the player who wins the Crown Match is victorious, but offer a possibility that another player who’s been very savvy about betting can still have something riding on the outcome. Otherwise I’m not sure what the rest of us would be doing while the Crown Match plays out.

Josh: he/they

30-03-2021 19:34:25 UTC


lemon: she/her

30-03-2021 19:50:55 UTC

sure, i like it! for

Clucky: he/him

30-03-2021 23:20:34 UTC

1) unless we can get a actual rule passed to clean up the issues with tracking old bets I don’t wanna risk the dynasty coming down to a series of CfJs as people try and figure out which bets got resolved when

2) there are also some concerns with what happens if there isn’t a single player with the most pegs

lemon: she/her

31-03-2021 05:37:40 UTC

i’m not sure i follow the functional importance of clucky’s first point here, but the second one is a good point!! i think we’ve got plenty of time to pass & patch before we actually hit the win condition tho :0

Clucky: he/him

31-03-2021 06:55:57 UTC

my concern (and reason I made my “collect your bets” proposal) is that currently its very hard to tell if bets have properly collected or not.

Take this game:


Has Pokes earned their three pegs for betting on Brendan yet? Has anyone made Josh lose their three pegs yet? The current gamestate makes it very hard to track that information. If players are good they can leave a wiki comment marking their changes but that isn’t required.

So if we don’t fix how bets are handled between now and the end game, we run the risk of getting to the end and it being a mess of “wait didn’t you already claim these pegs with this edit? didn’t I already lose those pegs with this edit?” not to mention maybe getting into “Clucky reduced the bets for everyone else on game XX but forgot this Bet” mess (or even worse, “I performed this action last week, I just forgot to update the wiki”)

some clever sfida usage, this game could be over in 4 days. to me that isn’t enough guaranteed time to “pass and patch”, we should patch then pass.

Raven1207: he/they

31-03-2021 14:02:12 UTC


Lulu: she/her

31-03-2021 15:11:26 UTC


Clucky: he/him

31-03-2021 17:05:37 UTC

against for now as it looks like collect your bets will fail