Proposal: Bankruptcy
Timed out, 4-1 against. Josh
Adminned at 23 Mar 2020 10:19:41 UTC
Change the first two paragraphs of “Excess Spending” to:
If a Nobleman spends to excess then they can expect some consequences.
A Nobleman who has a Debt higher than the Spending Limit of 100 may not post a Declaration of Victory. If they do then Louis XIV may mark it as failed at any time.
Add as a final paragraph of “Excess Spending”:
A Noblemen may declare Bankruptcy: they lower their Prestige to 1 (if above it), move all the Items from their Estate to the list of Inspirations for their current Location, and in return their Debt is reduced to one half of the Spending Limit. (They should notify Louis XIV when they do so.)
The Crown shall be gracious to those confined in debtors prison.
Josh: Mastermind he/they
This is an explicit abstention from voting, although I will say that I think the number of 100 Debt might be on the low side, and I do worry that this will encourage a lot of tied bids of 99 Debt.