Proposal: Barbarism
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 15:26:54 UTC
If the proposal ‘But Is It Art?’ fails, then this proposal does nothing.
Amend the rule ‘Voting Icons’ in the ‘Appendix’ to:
For use in voting, a check box shall represent a Vote FOR, an X shall represent a Vote AGAINST, an IMP shall represent a Vote of DEFERENTIAL, an ARROW shall represent an expression of APPROVAL and an Imperial Seal shall represent the Imperial Veto.
Create a new rule entitled ‘Barbarism’
All Artists have a score, tracked in the GNDT, entitled Barbarism. Any Artist who has not Approved a Work of Art in the last 5 days gains 1 Barbarism point. No Artist may gain more than 1 Barbarism point per day.
It may be a bit early for penalties, but this is to encourage people to vote for works of art.
This is a good sentiment, but maybe slightly flawed in execution. Two problems:
1) Approval is nothing to do with voting, but this proposal makes it seem as though it is. Also, the way this is done means it will leak outside the duration of the Dynasty.
2) There’s nothing to stop an Artist repeatedly re-expressing Approval of the same post. Even worse, it could be a post by the Critic, which seems like it subverts the intention of the rule somewhat.
(I am probably going to vote against, but wanted to give you a chance to defend the proposal first.)