Call for Judgment: Barely a Scratch
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 06 Jul 2022 06:57:53 UTC
In the rule “Items”, remove the following:
Name: Expired blood bag
Effect: This item can be used when at least one Phalanx owned by the Demiurge has the same Current Location as that Demiurge. When used, one of those Phalanxes has its health increased by 20% (rounded down).
Description: Congealed blood, not fit for human medicine.
Types: Buff, Instant
In the rule “Items”, change the Effect of the item “Ring of Protection” to the following:
When taking damage from the Adventuring action, that damage is three less (to a minumum of zero). Up to two Rings of Protection can be held at any time by any given Demiurge.
In the rule “Wide, Empty World of The Damned”, subrule “Adventure”, reword “When a Demiurge’s Current Location is set to a location that has both a Danger Rating and a Drop Rate, they may Adventure” to:
When a Demiurge’s Current Location is set to a location that has both a Danger Rating and a Drop Rate, as a Beat Action, they may Adventure
If the DoV happens to fail, someone’s just going to exploit the path to victory and immediately declare victory again. This aims to both prevent that and close off some of the more overpowered things in the ruleset
Josh: he/they
LI’m happy with the Adventure change; less happy with the Consumed change (it’s hard to use anyway and I’m keen that we don’t end up gutting the dynasty while trying to fix it) and indifferent on removing the item, although if we do remove it then we should also take it out of raven’s inventory.