Sunday, July 10, 2022

Proposal: Basic Mechanics

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 Jul 2022 06:42:48 UTC

In the rule Dynastic Tracking, change “Worlds End” to [[Workshop]].

Add a new rule to the ruleset, called Bot Loadout:

Each Operator has an amount of Money, which is publicly tracked and which defaults to ₩10,000.

Each Operator possesses exactly one Bot, whose characteristics are publicly tracked. The characteristics that each Bot must have are as follows:
* A name, which may be freely selected by the Bot’s Operator and which is flavour text;
* An Engine, which is by default an Petrol motor
* A Chassis, which is by default an Apex Systems X1500
* Systems, of which a single Bot may have between none and a number equal to the number of hardpoints on the Bot’s Chassis, defaulting into none

Add a new subrule to the rule Bot Loadout, called Engines, allowing the wiki to interpret the included wiki formatting into a table:

A Bot’s Engine has the following characteristics: a fuel type (which also acts as its name), a one-off cost, an operating cost, and a power output. The characteristics of each type of engine can be found below.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Engines
! Type || One-off Cost || Operating Cost || Power Output
| Electric || ₩2,500 || ₩100 || 240
| Petrol || ₩4,000 || ₩150 || 550
| Nitrogen || ₩5,500 || ₩300 || 900
| Hydrolic || ₩5,000 || ₩700 || 1,100

At any time, an Operator may change the Engine of its Bot by paying the One-off Cost of the Engine they wish to move to.

Add a new subrule to the rule Bot Loadout, called Chassises, allowing the wiki to interpret the included wiki formatting into a table:

A Bot’s Chassis has the following characteristics: a model (which also acts as its name), a cost, a number of hardpoints, and a consumption. The characteristics of each type of chassis can be found below.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Chassises
! Model || Cost || Hardpoints || Consumption
| Frictionless Inquisitor || ₩1,900 || 1 || 110
| Apex Systems X1500 || ₩2,500 || 2 || 200
| Tundra Industries #9 || ₩3,350 || 2 || 170
| Echelon Hardcast || ₩3,900 || 3 || 440
| Incisor TRN9P || ₩4,210 || 3 || 410
| Camelot CG3 Rampart || ₩5,890 || 4 || 630

At any time, an Operator may change the Chassis of its Bot by paying the Cost of the Chassis they wish to move to, with the restriction that a Bot may not have Systems and a Chassis whose combined Consumption exceeds its Engine’s Power Output.

Add a new subrule to the rule Bot Loadout, called Systems, allowing the wiki to interpret the included wiki formatting into a table:

A Bot’s Systems can each have the following characteristics: a name, a cost, a consumption, a base power, and an effect. The characteristics of each type of System can be found below.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Systems
! Name || Cost || Consumption || Base Power || Effect

At any time, an Operator may change their Bot’s Systems by spending the Cost of any Systems being added, with the restriction that a Bot may not have Systems and a Chassis whose combined Consumption exceeds its Engine’s Power Output.



10-07-2022 18:17:50 UTC

Was the consumption on Camelot CG3 Rampart meant to be 6300? Thats more than 10x the next most expensive one.

There’s also nothing stopping an Operator from downgrading to an engine that can’t support the consumption of the existing systems.

Josh: he/they

10-07-2022 20:19:14 UTC

@thundershrike Thanks for the catch on the Rampart cost, have edited that.

The engine downshift is a good call; it could use a patch proposal if you have a spare slot?

lendunistus: he/him

10-07-2022 20:22:39 UTC


Kevan: he/him

10-07-2022 20:29:46 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

10-07-2022 21:46:08 UTC



10-07-2022 22:22:29 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

10-07-2022 23:35:03 UTC


Lulu: she/her

10-07-2022 23:37:49 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

11-07-2022 05:05:24 UTC
