Proposal: Battle Lines
No feedback from idle Pilots received; times out 1-0-2 and fails due to less than two votes FOR. -Bucky
Adminned at 18 Jan 2021 21:03:27 UTC
Add a new subrule “Blood Brotherhood” to the rule “Corporations”:
Creed: Loyalty Unbreakable
Requirement: To join this Corporation, a Pilot must never have voluntarily ceased to be Affiliated with another Corporation.
Add a new subrule “Coronal Cabal” to the rule “Corporations”:
Creed: Victory At Any Cost
Requirement: A Pilot must have been Awarded a Crown to join this Corporation.
My next guess for why people aren’t jumping in: Inaccessible corporations
After the demise of Mechatech, there’s no corporation that a new player can immediately join. Blood Brotherhood fills that niche now.
Coronal Cabal is the “work together to end this ASAP” team, should enough crown-holders outside Blue Lotus be persuaded to do so.
Josh: he/they
I think people aren’t jumping in because the dynasty has been going for nearly two months, and appears settled; the observer class in slack certainly seems more interested in waiting for the next dynasty than joining this one.
I’ll abstain on this; if it attracts votes from unidlers desperate to pitch in then I’ll consider a vote.