Proposal: Battle of Wits
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 15 Sep 2010 07:41:50 UTC
I propose that a new dynasty rule is created describing a “battle of wits” in wich the Riddler or a Befuddled who has been aproved by the Riddler to create a “battle of wits” creates an entry with the word Riddle Challange in the title and a riddle in the body of text. The Befuddled are now allowed to comment on the entry with the answer to the previous riddle and another riddle, when a riddle is solved the solver transfers, 2 times the number of previous riddles, IQ to themselves; a riddle that stands unsolved for more than two days closes the battle of wits and awards the final Befuddled’s riddle a medal.
. Too vague; this should describe the exact text of the rule, or else the enacting Admin can write a scam into the final rule.