Proposal: Battles
Self-Scuttled - Failed by Chivalrybean
Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 20:11:56 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule “Battles” with the following text:
As a daily action, a Captain who is at Sea may Attack another Captain who is at Sea, by making a blog post stating the action. The attack is resolved by making a comment in the GNDT of “DICEX DICEY”, where X is one more than the size of the Attacking Captain’s Army, and Y one more than the size of the Attacked Captain’s Army. Should the first DICE roll be strictly greater than the second, then the Attack is successful, and the Attacking Captain may plunder 2DICE10 gold from the other Captain, whose Flavour is set to Bitter. Otherwise the Attacked Captain has fended off the attack, and loses half of the first DICE roll, rounded up, from the size of eir Army, and eir Flavour is set to Bitter. No Captain may Attack the same Captain more than once in a week.