Proposal: Because Mafia is less fun over a period of two months
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Jan 2010 11:43:12 UTC
Add a new rule, entitled ‘Late arrivals’, containing the text:
As a weekly action, any Guest who is Dead or Arrested may make a blog post announcing that they are playing a late arrival. They must then set all their statistics in the GNDT to those of a new Guest. Their former Role is no longer considered to be taken by a Guest per Rule 2.7, if the Guest was a Murderer or a Detective then they are no longer a Murderer or Detective with respect to Rule 2.4 paragraph 2, and they are treated for all purposes of any Dynastic Rules as if they just unidled, with the following exceptions:
- The rule ‘Silence’ applies to them with regard to any information learned before they made their Late Arrival post.
- The Spiritualist’s ability applies to them as to any other Dead Guest. The above restriction does not apply to this ability.
If the proposal ‘Rest in Peace’ failed, then remove the first item in the list and the second sentence of the second item in the list.
Replace the text ‘If the Spiritualist is in a room with a dead Guest and the lights are out, the Spiritualist may, once every 96 hours, notify the Executor that the Spiritualist is conducting a seance’ with ‘The Spiritualist may, at most once every 96 hours, notify the Executor that they are conducting a seance and give the name of a dead Guest’.
An attempt at coming back to life, with minimal breakage. Sort of breaks the Mafia theme, but as the title points out, Mafia, with its permanent-real-death as a game mechanic, is less fun when there’s only one game that lasts two months. I attempted to avoid breaking the other rules or providing any loopholes; the idea is that the ‘old’ persona remains intact, at least as much as a permanently-Dormant Guest has a persona, and the person who reincarnates simply starts playing a new one as well. If anyone has any specific problems with this, then please let me know and I will repropose.
redtara: they/them
The one thing I can see is that the information they previously learned is available to them, but not to anyone else.
Doing it any other way makes no sense, though.