Friday, November 19, 2021

Proposal: Beef

Enacted popular, 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 21 Nov 2021 09:28:41 UTC

Enact a subrule of “Fighting” entitled “Duels” as follows:

As an atomic action that can only be performed once by each Wrestler, a Wrestler (known as the Instigator) may Duel any one other Wrestler (known as the Target) as follows:
* Replying to a comment by the Target, or mentioning the Target on the BlogNomic Discord, in either case naming that Wrestler as the Target and declaring a Duel
* Posting a comment in the Die Roller naming the Target and indicating that the Duel is underway
* Starting with an individual Duel Total of 0 for the purposes of this Duel
* Rolling five Fight Dice in the Die Roller
* Posting a comment in the Die Roller stating which of the previous step’s die results (if any) they wish to keep: results of “Miss” ‘‘must’’ be kept, unless for each “Miss” result which is not kept a unique “Taunt” result is also not kept
* Rolling X Fight Dice in the Die Roller, where X is equal to 5 minus the number of results kept in the previous step
* Posting a comment in the Die Roller stating which of the previous step’s die results (if any) they wish to keep: results of “Miss” ‘‘must’’ be kept, unless for each “Miss” result which is not kept a unique “Taunt” result is also not kept
* Rolling X Fight Dice in the Die Roller, where X is equal to 5 minus the number of results kept in all previous steps
* Keeping all die results (if any were rolled) from the previous step
* If they kept two or more Punches, adding 1 to their Duel Total
* If they kept two or more Kicks, adding 1 to their Duel Total
* If they kept two or more Grapples, adding 1 to their Duel Total
* If they kept three Leaps and either a Kick, Punch or Grapple, adding 3 to their Duel Total
* If they kept a set of die results which corresponds exactly to the sequence of their Finishing Move (without considering the order of those results), adding 5 to their Duel Total
* If they kept any Taunts and have already added at least 1 to their Duel Total during this Duel action, adding 1 to their Duel Total
* Posting a comment to the Dice Roller summing their Duel Total as determined by the foregoing steps

Once a Wrestler has been made the Target in such a Duel action, they may respond by performing the same atomic action, substituting the following step for the first and second steps above:
* Posting a comment in the Die Roller naming the Instigator they are responding to, and indicating that their response is underway

Once both an initial Duel action and a response to it have both been concluded, if the Instigator’s Duel Total for a given Duel was greater than or equal to the Target’s Duel Total in the response for that Duel, then the Instigator gains 1 Contribution and the Target loses 1 Contribution; otherwise, the Target gains 2 Contribution and the Instigator loses 2 Contribution.

You can check it for scams if you want, but this is just a straight copy and paste of the Fighting action, with the changes from “Mixing It Up” incorporated and “gain X Contribution” replaced by “adding X to their Duel Total.” I promise Duel Total isn’t an orphan variable, it’s determinable in a straightforward way from the Dice Roller.


redtara: they/them

20-11-2021 00:23:43 UTC


redtara: they/them

20-11-2021 00:25:17 UTC

Hm, my comment is time stamped 17 s before the edit window closed, but I waited until after the sidebar clock hit 0:24 to post.

Brendan: he/him

20-11-2021 00:45:42 UTC

This will not be forgotten or forgiven.


20-11-2021 01:14:25 UTC

against Setting aside the question of trust in the author, I’m not up for changing up a system that seems to be working, for a new duel system that, while it’s no doubt clear in Brendan’s mind, I find convoluted.


20-11-2021 01:17:05 UTC

That was harsh, sorry! I’m just enjoying the current “Up” thing too much to change it.

Brendan: he/him

20-11-2021 02:51:11 UTC

This doesn’t replace Fighting, it just adds a side system that works almost exactly like it. You get one chance in this dynasty to call out an opponent, you both roll your Fight Dice like normal, you compare totals, winner gets to steal Contribution from the loser. Instigator wins ties, but target stands to gain more.


20-11-2021 03:27:27 UTC

Okaaaaay. Tentantive for . I’m watching you @.@

Kevan: he/him

20-11-2021 13:23:38 UTC


Josh: he/they

20-11-2021 13:34:58 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

20-11-2021 16:04:54 UTC


lemon: she/her

20-11-2021 19:53:05 UTC


Silverwing: she/her

20-11-2021 20:14:45 UTC
