Thursday, May 20, 2021

Proposal: Beltracchi

Timed out 2 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 May 2021 18:02:17 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, called Forgers:

Some Brokers are also Forgers. Whether or not each Broker is a Forger is privately tracked by the Collector; by default, Brokers are not Forgers. At any time a Broker may send a private message to the Collector announcing their intention to become a Forger; a Broker is considered to be a Forger from the moment at which they send such a message. A Forger may not cease to be a Forger.

When making an art submission, a Forger may chose to specify that their submission is a Forgery. Any piece of art that is not a Forgery is Genuine.

Rewrite the rule Totalling Votes as follows:

Totaling Votes can only be performed as part of the Round Summary, and is itself an atomic action with the following steps:

* Give each Broker who submitted a valid Ballot Submission in the previous round one Kudos
* Set the Round Score for each Broker and idle Broker to zero
* For each valid Ballot Submission in the previous round, increase the Round Score of the Broker or idle Broker who submitted the corresponding pieces of art by their Attainment, and then reduce the Round Score of each Broker by the number of Forgeries in their Ballot Submission
* Order all Brokers by their Round Score in descending order, breaking ties secretly randomly. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed Brokers on that list are Prestigious; award them their Prestige, and Display their pieces of art
* Add a comment to the gallery page from the round before the most recent one which specifies the names of each Broker (or Idle Broker) who submitted each piece of art on that page and which piece of art they submitted
* Include in the Round Post a summary of what each Broker’s Round Score (or Idle Broker whose Round Score was greater than 0) was and the title of the piece they submitted in the round before the most recent one (or that they didn’t submit one), in the order generated in previous steps.

The table below sets out how much Attainment is gained by each piece of art named in a Ballot Submission, depending on whether the piece of art in question was Genuine or not:


To Display a piece of art, the Collector determines its Buyer and adds it to that Broker’s Collection with the Price specified. An Art’s Buyer is the Broker who ranked it highest in Ballot Submissions for the relevant round (resolving ties in favour of the Broker with lowest total of Prices in their Collection, and at secretly random if still tied).

The table below sets out the Prestige given to Prestigious Brokers, and the Price of their piece of art, based on whether their submission was Genuine or not:

PlacePrestige - GenuinePrestige - ForgeryDisplay Price - GenuineDisplay Price - Forgery

Change the first paragraph of the rule Art Submissions to read as follows:

A Broker may submit an image, known as a piece of art, which they believe matches the current Round’s chosen Theme by messaging the Collector with a link to an image (or the an uploaded version of the image, if sent via slack) as well as a submission statement. A submission statement for an art submission must include a title for the piece and whether or not it is a forgery; furthermore, if an piece of art was taken from another source on the internet, a Broker is also encouraged to provide this source as part of their Art Submission. The entirety of an art submission including the image contents and submission statement is considered to be flavor text.


Janet: she/her

20-05-2021 15:34:48 UTC

Doesn’t “A submission statement for an art submission must include a title for the piece and whether or not it is a forgery” mean that all submissions must include Forgery/Genuine even if the submitter is not a forger?

Josh: he/they

20-05-2021 15:47:57 UTC

Sure. It’s a little clumsy I suppose but I don’t think it breaks anything. A work of art still can’t actually be a forgery if the submitter isn’t a forger.

Janet: she/her

20-05-2021 15:51:34 UTC

I’d just worry that someone forgets to specify with the Collector not noticing, meaning that platonically a submission is invalid. It’s can easily be fixed later though, so for .

Clucky: he/him

20-05-2021 15:54:18 UTC

This undoes Provenance against

Josh: he/they

20-05-2021 16:48:56 UTC

So it does. A fix proposal is needed either way, then.

Clucky: he/him

20-05-2021 18:07:01 UTC

right. but letting this pass gives a backdoor provenance denial opportunity

Overall I’ve got mixed feelings on the mechanic. Feels like part of the problem is people will be voting in the dark on if something is a forgery or not. So seems like all it really does is add in a bunch of randomness. There is a bit of strategy involved with submitted forgeries that you think will get some votes but not the most votes, but that seems rather hard to pull off in reality.

Josh: he/they

20-05-2021 20:20:47 UTC

I did think about that but I didn’t want to bite off more than I could chew with this proposal - I’d be up for a second prop modifying the way that forgeries are assigned, eg by making the image have to feature a certain element?

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

20-05-2021 20:36:01 UTC


Kevan: he/him

21-05-2021 09:00:44 UTC

against Not sure I can see the intended gameplay here.