Proposal: Better reporting of subversive activity
Times out 5-4 and is Enacted. 4 arrows means no PP for you. - lilomar
Adminned at 04 Aug 2010 08:00:57 UTC
In rule “Information Transit got the wrong man. I got the *right* man.”, change
but the High-Programmer may send that Citizen a PM indicating that the Citizen has been given membership in that group
but the High-Programmer may send that Citizen a PM indicating that the Citizen has been given membership in that group (and if they do so, that Citizen joins that group).
In rule 2.8.1 “Arrest Buttle! (Or was it Tuttle?)”, change
The accusing Citizen must post a story post stating one or more accusations of a single Citizen, but for the purposes of resolution, each accusation is treated separately.
The accusing Citizen must post a story post stating one or more accusations of a single Citizen of equal or lower Clearance, but for the purposes of resolution, each accusation is treated separately.
Then change the Clearance of rule 2.8.1, and all its subrules, to VIOLET.
Accusing people of higher clearance should only be possible with appropriate forms. (Such forms don’t seem to be publicly available at the moment; please fill in a form requisition form.) Meanwhile, the clearance change exploits a neat little bug; I’m not creating, modifying, or deleting a rule of clearance RED or higher, so this is not treason per rule