Proposal: Betty Ford, Here I Come
failed by Hix
Adminned at 07 Feb 2007 12:38:32 UTC
A rule to emulate the drug factor in a star’s career.
If the Proposal titled “Fame and Fortune” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
If the Proposal titled “Wealth Beyond Measure III” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Create a column with three distinct blank spaces in the GNDT, said column to be entitled “Visits to Rehab”.
When an Actor reaches a fame level of 8, as tracked in the GNDT, before he can advance any further in fame, e must roll 2DICE6. If e craps out, i.e. rolls 2, 3, or 12, e is considered to be Strung Out, and must go into Rehab.
When an Actor reaches a fame level of 9, e must do the same as above, except roll 2DICE6 two times.
When an Actor reaches a fame level of 10, e must do the same as above, except roll 2DICE6 three times.
When in Rehab, an actor’s Wealth level decreases by ten percent, and e must also lose a level of Fame. That is, if e was at a fame level of 10 and had one million (insert unit of currency here) when e rolled, and e gets a 2, then, as tracked in the GNDT, is fame level drops to 9, and his wealth drops to nine hundred thousand (insert unit of currency here).
The “I’ve Learned My Lesson, Your Honor” Clause: If an Actor loses a level of fame but then returns to that same level in the future, e does not have to roll for Rehab again.
If an actor goes to Rehab, e gets an X in the appropriate column in the GNDT next to is name. If an Actor goes to Rehab three times, thereby having three Xs in is Rehab column, e is considered Washed Up, and is ineligible to win the game.
viewtyjoe: Idle
Even the most washed up actors can make a career out of their ashes.