Thursday, February 15, 2007

Proposal: Gossip Gets Around

Timed out and passed, 7-1. Josh

Adminned at 17 Feb 2007 16:43:49 UTC

Replace 2.3 Gossip with the following:

2.3 Gossip

Each Actor may be the subject of up to two “Gossip Stories”, summarized as adjective-phrases in the “Gossip” field of the GNDT, and separated by an “and” if there are two of them. Whenever an Actor becomes the subject of a new Gossip Story, it is added to the end of the list; if this would result in three Gossip Stories for a single Actor, the first is forgotten, and deleted.

2.3.1Gossip Stories, Categories and Effects

Each Gossip Story has a Name, one or more Categories they effect(Fame, Location or Filmography) and an Effect.  An Actor that is the subject of any given Gossip Story is considered under it’s effect.  If an Actor is subject to more than one Gossip Story that overlap, that Actor is only subject to one of those stories, whichever is listed first in the GDNT.  Stories are considered overlapping if they have at least one Category that is the same.

Available Gossip Stories, their Categories, and Effects are listed belows in the following format:

*Gossip Story[Catagories, seperated by comas]: Effect

*Glory Hound[Fame, Location]: An Actor under the effect of this story must change Locations so that e has the highest Fame in eir Location.  If the Actor is unable to move to a Location where e has the highest Fame, all Fame e gains is reduced by half (rounded up).  If the Actor has the highest Fame in eir location then all Fame gained at any Party e is the Host of is Doubled.

*Left-Wing[Filmography]: An Actor under this effect may only add a film to eir Filmography in which another Actor under this story has already added to eir Filmography, though the roles may be different.  If no other Actor has this story, it has no effect.  An Actor may not be Subject to this story and Right-Wing at the same time.

*Right-Wing[Filmography]: An Actor under this effect may only add a film to eir Filmography in which another Actor under this story has already added to eir Filmography, though the roles may be different.  If no other Actor has this story, it has no effect. An Actor may not be Subject to this story and Left-Wing at the same time.

2.3.2 Jealousy
An Actor may occasionally make another Actor the subject of a gossip story, provided eir fame is strictly less than the fame of the Actor who will be the subject of the gossip story.

I’m proposing this to see if people like the idea of how Gossip Stories effect you, and to allow other people to come up with ideas of what effects different stories might have (and to add new stories, or removed old ones if they wish. Added Glory Hound because I liked that one, and Right/Left Wing so that it wouldn’t mess with the Critic Rule.


ChronosPhaenon: Idle

16-02-2007 10:26:50 UTC

for Good Idea, though it get rid of most of the Gossips currently available. I’ll Propose an amendment.

Josh: he/they

16-02-2007 12:35:50 UTC


spikebrennan: Idle

16-02-2007 15:10:27 UTC

against because it kills a bunch of gossips and only enables one to be active for a given Actor at a time.  I like the Glory Hound concept, though.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

16-02-2007 15:34:00 UTC

The stories will killed because they didn’t have effects or categories and thus couldn’t be listed following the proper protocal.  Also, you can have multiple stories that affect you, they just can’t have opposite effects.  Mainly this is to allow gossip stories to change similiar things but there not to be a question about which effect takes precidence.

I.E. you have Glory Hound, which requires you to move to someplace where you have the most fame, and you have Divorced, which requires you to move to the location with the least number of other people.  If I have both, which do I listen to?  The rules clarify that whichever is listed first I’m under the effect of.

Hix: Idle

16-02-2007 16:37:09 UTC

for There is at least one really good proposal contingent on this one’s passing (and this one’s not bad, either).

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

16-02-2007 16:39:45 UTC

Spike, have you seen Proposal: Rounded up Gossips?

Seebo: Idle

16-02-2007 20:42:41 UTC


ChinDoGu: Idle

16-02-2007 21:43:27 UTC


viewtyjoe: Idle

17-02-2007 19:58:01 UTC
