Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Proposal: Black is the New Orange

Reaches quorum and passes, 6-0. Josh

Adminned at 09 Sep 2015 09:22:49 UTC

If Proposal: Orange is the New Black fails, this does nothing.

Otherwise, change the first paragraph of the rule called Gangs to read as follows:

Each Prisoner may be a member of up to one Gang. Gang membership is tracked in the GNDT and defaults to “-”. All Prisoners with the same value in the GNDT (other than the default) for their Gang are considered to be part of the same Gang, and may be referred to as each others’ Gang-mates.


Kevan: he/him

08-09-2015 12:11:21 UTC


Is “may be a member” intended to imply that we can change Gang membership at any time?

Josh: he/they

08-09-2015 12:13:23 UTC

For the time being, an inability to change gang affiliation is deliberate - I wanted to think about whether there was a way of using it to add Intimidation to past Confessions before switching it all the way on.

Kevan: he/him

08-09-2015 12:15:12 UTC

Good thinking.


08-09-2015 14:00:03 UTC



08-09-2015 14:02:17 UTC



08-09-2015 14:29:14 UTC



08-09-2015 14:33:43 UTC

Maybe make people Walk the Yard if they want to leave a gang?

Darknight: he/him

08-09-2015 21:14:54 UTC



08-09-2015 23:42:00 UTC

If I referred to someone’s “Gangmates”, is it the Gangmates at the time I said that or the Gangmates currently?