Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Proposal: Black Market Blues


Adminned at 03 May 2024 16:06:30 UTC

In “Possessions” add a subrule called “The Black Market”

The Black Market is publicly tracked and consists of a list of Possessions, and a Cost associated with that Possession. At any time, as an atomic action a Thief may spend the cost of a possession, adding that possession to their inventory and then increasing the cost of that possession in the Black Market by 1.

The Cost of a Possession may never be less than its Value. Possessions which do not have a constant value may not be listed in the Black Market. If a Possession has a constant value, any thief may add it to the Black Market with a cost equal to its value plus three.

As a daily communal action a Thief may reduce the cost of all Possessions in the black market by 1 (or to their minimal values, if already there). Each individual thief may only perform this as a weekly action (in addition to the daily communal action restrictions).

Providing a system to purchase items outright if you want. Experimenting with the idea of a “Selfish Communal Action” that is limited to being done daily as a group but also weekly for each individual player.


JonathanDark: he/him

01-05-2024 17:24:30 UTC

I’m not sure it’s clear how this all works.

After a Thief spends the cost of a Possession and adds it to their inventory, the Possession is still also in the Black Market, since they increase the cost in the Black Market by 1? If that’s the case, the Black Market should be “a list of all possible Possessions”, otherwise it sounds more like an inventory.

If it’s a list of all possible Possessions, how does a thief “add it to the Black Market” when it’s already there? Conversely, if it’s actually more like an inventory in which the Black Market is empty until a Thief adds to it, you’re back to the original problem I stated above.

Clucky: he/him

01-05-2024 18:49:08 UTC

not every possession is allowed in the black market. Wording it this way felt like a good way to be able to ensure prices get initialized right.

JonathanDark: he/him

01-05-2024 19:39:25 UTC

Sure, but let’s say that the Gold Ring was already in the Black Market at 10 (7 + 3). Two thieves add the Gold Ring from the Black Market, raising its price twice to 12.

Now I come along and add the Gold Ring to the Black Market again. Does that set the price back down to 10 (7 + 3)? Are there now two Black Rings, one listed at 12 and another at 10?


01-05-2024 19:53:46 UTC

for sounds like there’s not really any incentive to give items to the black market, because you don’t get florins for it, so it’s ok if it’s a little broken at the moment imo?

Clucky: he/him

01-05-2024 20:11:05 UTC

oh oops there was supposed to be a “you can’t add already added possessions” clause I just missed that

JonathanDark: he/him

01-05-2024 20:46:34 UTC

“a Thief may spend the cost” but neither this spend nor the cost mention what is being spent. I know we have a mental model of “Florins” being the currency of the realm, but the rules as written don’t mention that any spend action is always Florins. Everywhere else that something is spent, it’s always explicitly Florins.

JonathanDark: he/him

01-05-2024 22:12:11 UTC

That said,  for and patch it up later.

Clucky: he/him

01-05-2024 23:01:44 UTC

actually might need to kill it over that. Could easily argue that you can spend Notoriety instead…

Nad: he/him

02-05-2024 12:00:39 UTC

I’m not sure where Notoriety is going in this dynasty.  The black market could be a scam to purchase then sell items to boost this value.

JonathanDark: he/him

02-05-2024 13:55:39 UTC

CoV against

I think I like just having Notoriety better.

Josh: he/they

02-05-2024 14:03:21 UTC


Kevan: he/him

02-05-2024 14:46:36 UTC



02-05-2024 15:25:53 UTC


Clucky: he/him

03-05-2024 16:05:57 UTC

against so that I don’t have to do the math figuring out the final vote count