Proposal: Blacklisted Directors
3-14, with one abstention. Cannot be enacted w/o CoV, failed by Excalabur
Adminned at 08 Feb 2007 02:14:31 UTC
“You belong to _me!_” (Phantom of the Opera, 2004)
Part 1:
Proposed new rule, entitled “Blacklisted Directors”
At any time commencing at the beginning of the day on February 18, 2007, each Actor may add the name of one (1) Director (other than a Whitelisted Director) to eir “Filmography” subsection on the wiki, together with an indication that such Director is eir “Blacklisted Director”. If a particular Director is an Actor’s “Blacklisted Director”, then no Actor (other than the Actor who lists that Director as eir “Blacklisted Director”) may add any Film directed by that Director to eir respective Filmography. However, nothing in this Rule affects the validity of any Film added to a Filmography prior to February 18, 2007. Once an Actor lists a particular Director as eir “Blacklisted Director”, no other Actor may choose that Director as eir “Blacklisted Director”. Once an Actor lists a particular Director as eir “Blacklisted Director”, that choice may not be amended or revoked.
For the purposes of this Rule, the following definitions apply:
The term “Director” means an individual who is credited at as having been the director (as opposed to an art director, a second unit director or some other designation) of at least one Film.
A Film is “directed by” a particular individual if credits that individual as having directed that Film. If credits more than one individual as having directed a Film, then for the purposes of this Rule the Film is deemed to have been “directed by” each of them individually.
The term “Whitelisted Director” means any individual who is listed on the following list:
- Steven Spielberg
- Alfred Hitchcock
- x
Part 2
During the voting on this Proposal, any Actor who casts a vote FOR the proposal may include, as part of the post containing eir vote, the names of up to two Directors, identified as that Actor’s “Whitelist Nominations”. Only the names (if any) included in the post containing the Actor’s final vote on this Proposal will count. If this Proposal is adopted, then substitute for “x” in the list of Whitelisted Directors the name or names of any one more Directors who are validly listed in the Whitelist Nominations of at least two different Actors.
Commentary: (this is not part of the Proposal)
The purpose of this Proposal is to add more strategy and drama to the selection of additions to a Filmography. The built-in delay on the opportunity to choose a Blacklisted Director is intended to give everyone an opportunity to think carefully about choosing a director. Nothing in this proposal requires an Actor to select films chosen by eir Blacklisted Director to add to eir Filmography, this Proposal simply provides a means for an Actor to block other Actors from adding particular films. The “Whitelisted Director” clause is intended to ensure that Films directed by certain particular well-known or prolific directors remain unblocked by this rule (but also adds to the strategy, since an Actor’s adding particular whitelist names to a proposal may provide a clue into that Actor’s strategic thinking.
Francis Ford Coppola
Clint Eastwood