Blacky Confusion
Oh dear, maybe we need a rule requiring to people to make explicit summaries of what they’re doing, whenever they update the GNDT or the wiki - I’m trying to work out what happened to Blacky.
After he was killed on the 9th, he returned later that day with a GNDT comment of “stepping in”, then later announced he was “stepping out” (which is an illegal action). I added him back to his previous location in the Arena after correcting this, and earlier today Kitty entered the Arena overwriting Blacky, while moving a trap, providing no apparent explanation. Blacky assumed he was legally removed from the Arena and came back in at I3, a few minutes ago.
I think Blacky should still be at A5 (and Kitty shouldn’t have been able to enter the Arena there) - am I missing something?
I alrady posted a move in the GNDT to I2 and set the AP to 2, but did not execute it yet, to minimize confusion.
Perhaps we should track the moves and actions somehow in the wiki.
Just when you do some action one should create a one liner to keep up clarity.