Monday, June 14, 2021

Proposal: Blood money

Passes 9-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 15 Jun 2021 20:42:09 UTC

Move the rule Vampire Lords to the top of the dynastic ruleset. Make the rules Lair Actions, Crypt Denizens, Unlife and Sepulchres subrules of it.

Rename the rule Sigils to “Glyphs and Sigils”. Replace its first paragraph with the following:

Glyphs are powerful markers used by Vampire Lords to signal their domain, while Sigils are cantrips used to power small blood magics. Each room may be engraved with up to one Glyph or Sigil from each Vampire Lord. If a room contains a Sigil from a Vampire Lord then no Glyph may be created for that Vampire Lord, and vice-versa.

A room may only contain one Glyph and a Glyph may belong to no more than three Vampire Lords.

If a room contains a Glyph then every time Richardo loses Energy to a feature in that room, the Vampire Lord/s who owns that Glyph gain Influence equal to the amount of Energy so lost..

Rewrite the rule Features as follows:

The sentences in the lists below are Features that Rooms may possess, with their Darkness scores given afterwards in brackets.

Glyphs and Sigils:
This room contains a Glyph belonging to [x] (+1)
Richardo von Nestor gains 1 Energy for each Active Sigil engraved here. Set all Sigils engraved here to Inactive. (+1)
Each Vampire Lord gains 1 Puissance. (+1)
Each Vampire Lord with an engraved Sigil here gains 1 Puissance. (+2)
Each Vampire Lord that has an engraved Sigil in an orthogonally adjacent room to this room gains 1 Puissance.(+3)

Richardo von Nestor is Lightly Wounded if he is not Perceptive. (+1)
Richardo von Nestor is Grievously Injured if he is not Agile. (+3)
Richardo von Nestor is Grievously Injured; if he is Agile he instead is Lightly Wounded. (+5)
Richardo von Nestor is moved back to his previous location. (+1)
Richardo von Nestor loses all of his equipped Items. (+2)

Richardo approaches a fine treasure chest (+1)
Richardo approaches an average treasure chest (0)

Add the following to the end of the first paragraph of the rule Lair Actions: “When adding a Feature with the string ‘[x]’ in its description, a Vampire Lord must replace [x] with their own name.”

Add the following to the list of average treasures:

* Roc’s Feather: Richardo immediately uses this to become Agile
* Writ of Blessing: Richardo immediately uses this to become Perceptive

Add the following to the list of fine treasures:

* Angel’s Feather: Richardo becomes Agile
* Watchful Saint Figurine: Richardo becomes Perceptive

Most of this is just tidy-up; the important bit is glyphs allowing room owners to convert damage to Richardo into VPs.


Clucky: he/him

14-06-2021 15:25:24 UTC


Josh: he/they

14-06-2021 15:28:28 UTC

Just as Clucky voted I noticed that the Roc’s Feather and the Writ of Blessing don’t work as intended (they should be single-use). Oh well! I’ll fix it later! Probably!

Janet: she/her

14-06-2021 15:30:36 UTC


Brendan: he/him

14-06-2021 15:40:35 UTC


ais523: Custodian

14-06-2021 17:40:58 UTC


Kevan: he/him

14-06-2021 18:57:32 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

14-06-2021 21:08:39 UTC


lemon: she/her

14-06-2021 22:11:37 UTC


Lulu: she/her

15-06-2021 18:23:38 UTC
