Proposal: Grey Sky Thinking
Fails, 8-2. Josh
Adminned at 28 Mar 2010 01:53:07 UTC
Change the first paragraph of rule 2.1 “Commoner’s Economy†to:
Each Commoner has an Income (a number which can be positive, negative, or zero, and defaults to 50), and amounts of Coal, and amounts of Iron, Wood, Quicksilver, Caffeine, Cogs, Gems, and Electricity (numbers defaulting to the median values among Commoners, rounding up to an integer if necessary). Coal, Iron, Wood, Quicksilver, Caffeine, Cogs, Gems, and Electricity are collectively known as Resources.
Add the bullet point “0 Electricity or 10 Electricity†to the bulleted list in that rule.
Add a subrule to rule 2.1, entitled Stormy Weather:
While Scavenging, the default result for a Commoner who selects Electricity is zero. However, if the 24 hour weather forecast for the County that they currently occupy shows lightning then they may instead gain 10 Electricity. Weather forecasts must be obtained from the weather links, listed beside each County name as (w), provided on the [[County Activity]] page.
Add the (w) links, in order, that can be found on the 11:29, 26 Mar 2010 edit of the Josh/Sandpit page of the wiki to the list of County names on the County Activity page of the wiki.
Change the “Observatory and Alchemarium†paragraph in Rule 2.4 Workshops to the following:
The Commoner who owns an Observatory may spend 1 Coal and 1 Resource (other than Coal) to gain 1 of any other Resource (other than Electricity). However, they can only choose to gain one Resource while Scavenging.
Add the following as a subrule to rule 2.2, entitled Battery:
Cost: 1 Iron, 1 Quicksilver, 1 Electricity Power Requirement: 2
A part which has an effect that must be paid for using Electricity may not be included in an Invention unless that invention also includes a Battery.
Add the following as a subrule to rule 2.2, entitled Elecromagnetic Generator:
Cost: 3 Iron, 7 Cogs Power Requirement: -15
A Commoner who owns an invention that includes an Electromagetic Generator may at any time spend x Electricity to reduce the Coal cost of the next action that they perform by 10x.
Add the following as a subrule to rule 2.2, entitled Tesla Cannon:
Cost: 5 Iron, 3 Quicksilver, 1 Cog, 1 Gem Power Requirement: 2
An Invention which includes a Tesla Cannon is considered to be a weapon. A Commoner who owns an invention which includes a Tesla Cannon may spend 1 Electricity to Wage War instead of the normal Coal requirement. Additionally, they may spend 2 Electricity to Wage War regardless of whether they have already Waged War that week.
Set each Commoner’s amount of Electricity to 0.
I liked DC’s idea, I just couldn’t figure out how to implement it. Hopefully this is a stab in the right direction.
Nomics should not depend on RL conditions.