Proposal: Blueprint: Fixing Fluffy
Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Mar 2010 03:13:30 UTC
Create a new subrule “Kitten Repair and Recharge Kit” to rule 2.2 “Inventions”:
Cost: 1 Cog, 1 Iron Power Requirement: 20
A Commoner who owns an Invention with a Kitten Repair and Recharge Kit may gain 30 extra Coal whenever he Scavenges.
A cute little kitten helps keep you in a good mood, making you work much more efficiently. Because you only need to repair it, not build it from scratch, it’s pretty cheap on the Resources; the main issue is affording to keep the thing running.
Kevan: he/him