Wednesday, June 20, 2012

BobTHJ unidles

Quorum rises to 10.



20-06-2012 01:46:28 UTC

quorum for which proposal?

redtara: they/them

20-06-2012 01:57:15 UTC

Quorum for all proposals. “Quorum”, in BN terms, is essentially a synonym for “simple majority”.


20-06-2012 01:58:30 UTC

So you can only vote for one of the pending proposals? Or can you vote for all of them?

redtara: they/them

20-06-2012 02:07:20 UTC

You can vote for each one.


20-06-2012 02:10:13 UTC

So what does it mean when you say “Quorum rises to 10”? 10 what?Sorry for all the questions.

redtara: they/them

20-06-2012 02:11:46 UTC

No problem! It just means that 10 players have to vote for a proposal for it to be able to pass.


20-06-2012 02:12:49 UTC

Oh, so the quorum rises when more people join?

redtara: they/them

20-06-2012 02:35:51 UTC



20-06-2012 05:46:11 UTC

Did BobTHJ actually post or comment requesting a deidle?

Josh: he/they

20-06-2012 06:29:09 UTC

Yes, here.