Story Post: (Bomb) doo-do-do-do-do do do do do
I grab the first ever StickyBomb.
I grab the first ever StickyBomb.
IMHO the Sticky Bomb law is broken and the bomb will almost never explode, as it only explodes if: “At each Turn Boundary, if a single Gladiator has been CONTINOUSLY attached to the StickyBomb since the last Turn Boundary, the StickyBomb explodes, causing him to Die.”
Since it was not attached on me on Thursday and nearly the whole Friday I fob it off to SingularByte.
It’ll get broken if you’re caught out, having used up your APs doing other things.
ANduril: No, because it explodes only if you had it for a complete turn. So, if it gets fobbed to you with you not having any AP left, you wait for the next Turn Boundary, refresh, walk towards an innocent looking victim and fob it off to him.
The only thing that this does is giving everyone an incentive to check in to blognomic twice a week.
This Stickybomb no longer exists, as I pushed Darknight into a Vertical Particle Beam. Josh and Coppro got a frag each for the death.
[Blacky] Don’t forget that you can’t pass the bomb back to someone who’s already carried it. Even if you’re incredibly careful with your location and AP, if you’re the last player on the board to get it, it’s going to detonate on you.
I fob it off to Blacky.