Saturday, April 04, 2009

Story Post: BONUS: Gag reel

I’m requesting some hilarious mistake mis-takes of any scene from any act you like, as per - please provide a wiki page section link to the scene you are rewriting for convenience’s sake.



04-04-2009 23:23:15 UTC

<a >Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies</a> outtake:

Two ninjas appear, similar to ones from van. Hero throws rocks at both ninjas. Both miss. One hits wall and piece of ceiling falls. Actor playing hero, actors playing ninjas, and Nicolas Art both laugh.


04-04-2009 23:24:32 UTC

Wait a second, hold on:

Two ninjas appear, similar to ones from van. Hero throws rocks at both ninjas. Both miss. One hits wall and piece of ceiling falls. Actor playing hero, actors playing ninjas, and Nicolas Art (in background) all laugh.


05-04-2009 03:01:09 UTC

Quake Machine

Giant machine emerges from underground, killing one bystander. Man on the machine announces evil plot to cause natural disasters with the machine. Tall girl interferes by throwing tree at man, making a large crack as he crumples.  There is silence, then a voice offscreen: “I’ll need the morgue and the casting director on line 1…”  Tall girl, shocked, mutters a complaint about how it wasn’t her idea to use a real tree.


05-04-2009 04:07:29 UTC


Hero is interrupted by 8 thugs.  He shoots all the thugs, and starts to write “RODLAN WUZ HARE” on the wall in their blood.  And then Scripter Kevan jumps onto the set and tries to strangle Scripter Rodlen in front of the cameras.  Rodlen proceeds to RODLANify the entire set.  All hell breaks loose.

Josh: he/they

05-04-2009 07:25:30 UTC

A Load Off

Our illustrious hero Stewart notices a camper parked nearby. The owner, a rugged man named Bo (Dennis Quaid) invites ‘Stew’ in for bacon and eggs. Waving away security concerns, Bo says the RV auto defenses are the best… While it is driving, the RV passes eleven refugees, who suddenly break into a swing dance routine, complete with high-kicks and jazz hands. Dennis Quaid does a spit-take with his eggs while the director shouts “CUT!”


05-04-2009 18:22:34 UTC

The view zooms up to and inside the plane that dropped the bombs. There’s a row on board; the co-pilot (Brad Pitt) seize the controls by breaking the pilot’s neck, and the rest of the crew join in the scuffle. The camera man slips, and the camera goes tumbling out the bomb bay. The point of view is rotating violently, while expletives are heard in the background. Crashing sound occurs, ending with static.

(To save money on film, we use live streaming from camera to a database safely away from the set for future editing, explaining the static.)


06-04-2009 23:40:27 UTC

Writing for this is now closed, what do you think Dev?


08-04-2009 16:52:54 UTC

That’s enough. - The Executive Producer


08-04-2009 17:57:57 UTC


That’s enough. - The Producer

It was a toss-up between allispaul and Josh, but I think Josh’s attempt (A Load Off with jazz hands) wins for me. As a special reward, Josh, you can change your popularity and document it yourself!

Josh: he/they

08-04-2009 17:59:27 UTC

Oh thank you, Producer, thank you thank you thank you :D


08-04-2009 23:40:06 UTC

@Producer: I was not in your chair. Your chair is over there. That was my chair, the chair for the Executive Producer.