Proposal: Boomerang (Daemon research)
Failed - seven against votes, cannot reach quorum.
Adminned at 12 Jul 2007 04:42:21 UTC
Summoning Cost: 6 Souls
Boomerang may neither be summoned nor released by a Corporation that employs no other Daemons. The cost for summoning Boomerang is not doubled for each other Daemon the summoning Corporation controls as it normally is when summoning other Daemons; instead, the cost is always exactly 12 Souls. Similarly, the cost to release Boomerang is not doubled for other each controlled Daemon; instead, this cost is always exactly 24 Souls.
As a Daily Action, a Corporation that employs Boomerang and another Daemon may make a post to the blog titled “Boomerang hunts X”, where X is the name of a Daemon not employed by that Corporation. This post is known as a Hunting Post, and X is the post’s Prey. A Hunting Post is considered Active if it is the most recent Hunting Post made by a Corporation, and that Corporation employs Boomerang and another Daemon.
If no Corporation has done so since the most recent Advance of Time, any Corporation that employs Boomerang and another Daemon may determine the results of Boomerang’s hunt by making a GNDT comment of “Boomerang Reports”, and following the procedure described in the remainder of this paragraph. For each Daemon that is the Prey of an Active Hunting Post, a roll of DICEn must be made, where n is the square of the number of (active) Corporations. If the square of the number of Active Hunting Posts for which that Daemon is Prey is less than the result of the DICEn roll, then Boomerang has executed that Daemon. Once all of the required DICEn rolls have been made, for each Daemon that has been executed by Boomerang, the following occur: Boomerang is no longer employed by any Corporation with an Active Hunting Post for which that Daemon is the Prey; that Daemon is no longer employed by any Corporation; the entry on the Inventory page that describes the Naming Rights for that Daemon is removed; and the subrule of Rule “Daemons” named after that Daemon is deleted.