Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Story Post: Bounty Notice: Mutable Words

I would like to offer a Bounty for proposals that either make existing Immutable rules Mutable, or which add new Mutable rules to the ruleset. Any proposal that increases the number of words in Mutable rules (protected by not more than one $ sign) in the dynastic ruleset by 250 or more is eligible for the payout.



04-02-2025 13:42:04 UTC

I approve of this initiative.

(Note that because I enacted the other bounty this week, this one can’t usefully be enacted until next week, unless we change the rules to reduce the rate limit a bit. So people will have some time to post qualifying proposals.)

Josh: he/they

04-02-2025 14:29:09 UTC

Why can’t it be enacted until next week?


04-02-2025 15:28:25 UTC

As a measure to prevent infinite-Triumphs scams, the bounty payout action is limited to once a week (because the other protections on the bounty rule are in a mutable rule and thus could potentially be edited, so the immutable rule needs a rate limit too).

We should probably increase that limit, but it’s there for the time being.

JonathanDark: he/him

04-02-2025 15:51:07 UTC

@Josh: Is the “(protected by not more than one $ sign)” per Mutable rule introduced, or among all new Mutable rules introduced?

Josh: he/they

04-02-2025 15:59:20 UTC

Per word - so an inclusion of:

All Particpants may have a rainhat $. All rainhats are yellow.

would add 4 mutable words to the ruleset towards a target of 250.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-02-2025 18:51:06 UTC

This should probably be closed at some point.

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