Proposal: Brainstormin’
Quorums 5-1. Seems to have been enacted by TDS, marked as resolved by Quirck.
Adminned at 02 Feb 2023 15:59:59 UTC
Add the following bullet point to the end of the atomic action in the “The Dice Deck” rule:
If the first result of this action is not a 6, 7, or 8, set the Weather to be the Weather (if any) which has the second result of this action as its Forecast, or “None” if no Weather has the second result of this action as its Forecast number. If the first result of this action is a 6, 7, or 8, set the current Weather to “None”.
Create a new rule “Weather of the Day” as follows:
There is a gamesate variable named Weather that is a publicly tracked string with a default of “None”. The valid values of Visitor are “None” and the titles of the subrules contained in this rule.
Each Weather has a Forecast number, listed in the table below.
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Weathers
! Forecast !! Weather
| 4 || Storm
| 5 || Rain
| 9 || Rain
| 10 || Storm
While the Weather is Rain, any resources gained as a result of the first bullet point in the Harvesting the Crop atomic action are increased by 1
While the Weather is Storm, each player may only apply the Harvest Bonuses of up to two different buildings they control.
Change the effect of the building Library to the following:
Apply the Harvest Bonuses of any two other buildings in your Settlement once. This does not count towards any limits on Harvest Bonuses you can take, and may be done in addition to the one time you would normally be able to activate the Harvest Bonuses of a building you control.
Adding a new mechanic - weather - to add more variety in between turns. The library tweak is to make sure it works with Storm.
quirck: he/him
What will take precedence with respect to the valid values of Visitors?